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A Review on ASEAN's Strategy of Great Powers Balance: From Balancing Powers to Rules Spillover
作者 葛紅亮
Generally considered that ASEAN's Strategy of Great Powers Balance comes from the views of Singapore. However it stems from the rule of equidistant diplomacy of Malaysia's neutralization policy. During the Cold War, ASEAN put the Strategy of Great Powers Balance into practice in the process of the settlement of the Vietnam War, the 3rd Indochinese War and Cambodian problem. Due to the special international environment and its weak power, ASEAN must to make use of the traditional strategy of powers balance in this period. In the Post-Cold War, with new environment for its diplomacy, ASEAN gets more and more outstanding position in the regional multilateral framework and the regional integration process. As a result, the practice of Strategy of Great Powers Balance starts to rely on the spillover of ASEAN Rules. With this ASEAN hopes the Great Powers may be balancing in the regional affairs and respect ASEAN's ''driver'' role. It's concluded that the practice form of Strategy of Great Powers Balance changes, but there is no change with ASEAN's goals of safeguarding its interests and maintaining its leading role in the regional multilateral framework.
起訖頁 51-66
關鍵詞 東協大國平衡權力均衡東協規範外溢ASEANDiplomacy of Balancing Great PowersBalancing PowersASEAN RulesSpillover
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201910 (68期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 一帶一路與全球治理
該期刊-下一篇 理論、層次分析與議題之關聯性研究:從領土爭端到貿易糾紛




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