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Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance
作者 李明
國際關係理論流派之一的「制度主義」提倡國際制度的改良,新制度主義繼之主張國際成員並非僅限主權國家,其他新興的國際組織(政府間的和非政府間的)、跨國公司、其他非國家成員、及個人,都是組成國際社會不可分割的成員,一應受到重視和關注。特別是透過國際組織的改良或重建,解決主權國家共同關切卻力有未逮的議題。這種趨勢有助於世界共議「全球治理」。全球治理乃為解決國際爭端、促進國際合作、解決共同挑戰的新途徑。習近平主政後,在 2013 年推動一帶一路倡議,以因應中國大陸發展需要,特別是運用中國的過剩產能、豐沛資金,為國家發展和國家安全找尋新的出路,而以多數中東、東歐、中亞、東盟、甚至部分非洲與拉美地區國家為合作夥伴。這是新類型經濟合作模式,外溢效果宏大,距全球治理的概念和規模不遠。西方國家學者的全球治理端賴非政府國際組織,但無論主導或扈從一帶一路倡議行為者,大都是主權國家。北京多方闡釋中國大陸對一帶一路倡議的努力,並稱將致力防範其負面影響,甚至保證該倡議是各方合作平台,「並非中國的地緣政治工具」。隨著一帶一路倡議的擴大與深化,正要驗證中國大陸透過一帶一路倡議將形成何種面貌的全球治理,以及根據這個趨勢,將出現何種新型的國際關係。
Institutionalism, as one of the major branches of international relations theories, calls for the renovation of the international institutions. Following this idea, the Neoinstitutionalism argues that the indivisible actors like nation states, newly developed international organizations (both governmental and nongovernmental), multinational corporations, and individuals should be counted and concerned. It is especially crucial to solve those thorny issues that may not be dealt with by sovereign states via the renovation or establishment of international organizations. This trend attributes to the consensus resulting in the operation of ''global governance'' as the new channels of solving the international disputes, accelerating cooperation, and encountering challenges. Xi Jinping, the PRC's president since 2013, proclaimed his ''Belt and Road'' initiative that year for the purpose of adapting China's national development, particularly based on China's excessive productivity and abundant currency reserves, and invites the partnership of major Middle East, East European, Central Asian, ASEAN, African and Latin American countries for better chances of cooperation and development. This kind of economic cooperation originated from economic need, but infers massive spillover effect, and brings about new elements of global governance. Instead of inviting international nongovernmental organizations as the backbones of global governance, the Belt and Road initiative has been primarily nation-state operated. Beijing tries to sell its Belt and Road initiative while emphasizing its efforts in detracting the side effects caused, arguing that the Belt and Road initiative will ''never be China's tool for geopolitics.'' Nonetheless, China's Belt and Road initiative, after its being introduced and enhanced, will be carefully scrutinized globally whether it is conducive to global governance and whether new-style of international relations be established.
起訖頁 31-50
關鍵詞 中國大陸習近平一帶一路國際關係全球治理新制度主義ChinaXi JinpingBelt and Road initiativeinternational relationsglobal governanceneoinstitutionalism
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201910 (68期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 美中對抗的新常態下的美中台三角關係
該期刊-下一篇 權力制衡到規範外溢:東協「大國平衡」戰略再評議




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