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Political Protests and Police Response: An Analytical Perspective from Taiwan and Hong Kong
作者 陳偉華
在全球範疇內,各國國內的政治抗爭伴隨著全球正義運動(global justice)串聯起地方性集體抗爭,同時經濟衰退及其對不同社會政策領域的影響,形成不同社會文化脈絡下的抗爭模式,亦使各國警政部門疲於對應大規模的陳抗活動。如何面對此類以政治為訴求新型態的抗爭模式,成為各國警務單位嚴峻的考驗,亦為公民與警方之間信任赤字的來源。本文關注於執法單位與抗爭團體之間的互動模式,釐清警察行動的「問」與「責」,進一步的,從近年臺灣與香港政治抗爭的視角,反思群眾性抗爭運動的變遷樣態。在案例探討與結論建議上,本文以香港「反送中」遊行案例,檢討香港警察執法的困境,引介英國警政改革經驗,探究英國警方當前對於政治抗爭事件的管理策略。本文建議從警政治理建立透明而維護公共秩序的問責制度,重拾公眾對警方的信任。
Along with the global justice movement, the domestic organized political resistance has linked with the local grassroots protests. In the meantime, the resistance mode, with different social and cultural contexts formulated by the economic recession and its impact on different social policy areas, has kept the police departments from various countries busy dealing with the large-scale protest movements. How to react to the new normal protests mode has become severe challenges for the police department among countries, as well as the source of trust deficit between citizens and the police. This article focuses on the interaction mode between the law enforcement agencies and the protest groups, clarifying the accountability of policing actions. Furthermore, from the perspective of political resistance in Taiwan and Hong Kong in recent years, this paper reflects on the changing trend in the massive protest movement. This article reviews the plight of Hong Kong police enforcement in the case of Hong Kong's protests against ''extradition bill,'' introduces the experience of policing reform in the UK and explores the current management strategy of the British police for political resistance. In conclusions, this paper proposes to establish an accountable and transparent police governance system that maintains public order and regains public trust toward the police.
起訖頁 107-129
關鍵詞 政治抗爭群體性事件行動媒體與社會運動公民信任Political ProtestsSocial Group EventsNew Media and Social MovementPublic Trust
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201907 (67期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中國帶路倡議對美國亞太安全利益之影響:以川普時期為例
該期刊-下一篇 狂想:自由的美夢與世態之炎涼




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