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A Study on the Impact of China's Belt and Road Initiative to U.S. Asia-Pacific Security Interest: Donald Trump Administration
作者 陳育正
中國在 2013 年時提出帶路倡議,從陸地與海上擴大和周邊國家之間的經貿交流及設施聯通。這一重要政策不僅具有影響歐亞大陸政治版圖之潛力,同時也為美國利益帶來某程度上的衝擊。本文針對帶路倡議之發展現況與背景成因分析、檢視帶路倡議對美國產生何種影響,以及觀察川普政府如何應對中國帶路倡議的衝擊等面向進行討論。 研究發現中國所提出帶路倡議是一項具有戰略性的政治與經濟目的,衝擊美國長期維持亞太地區領導地位與利益,美國川普政府則透過印太戰略的框架,採取具體應對作為。
Belt and Road Initiative is a strategic initiative proposed by China in 2013 to go with the idea of ''Silk Road Economic Belt'' that aims to maximize its economic and trade exchange and facility interconnection with the surrounding countries through land and sea. BRI not only carries the potential of affecting the political layout in Eurasia but brings the impact toward U.S. interest to a certain extent. This article analyzes development and motivation of BRI, what kind of the impact to U.S. and how U.S. responses in the Trump administration. As this article shows that BRI reflects China's strategic aims involving political and economic purposes. It's immense challenge to America's vital interest and leadership in the Asia-Pacific region. Trump administration utilizes the framework of Indo-Pacific strategy to conduct responses.
起訖頁 85-106
關鍵詞 帶路倡議絲綢之路經濟帶21 世紀海上絲綢之路印太戰略Belt and Road InitiativeSilk Road Economic Belt21st-Century Maritime Silk RoadIndo-Pacific Strategy
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201907 (67期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中國「一帶一路」的推動:古典地緣政治的解釋
該期刊-下一篇 政治抗爭與警政回應:臺灣與香港經驗的分析視角




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