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A Preliminary Exploration of Trump Administration's New Africa Strategy: Rhetoric and Reality
作者 楊一逵
美國國家安全顧問波頓(John Bolton)於2018年12月13日時,在華府智庫傳統基金會(Heritage Foundation)揭示「川普政府的新非洲戰略」(The Trump Administration's New Africa Strategy),並點名中國大陸在非洲擴張之經濟與掠奪性之作法已對美國產生威脅。鑒於川普「新非洲戰略」中對中國針對性之修辭,強調中國在非洲大陸之發展已獲得超越美國的競爭優勢並對美國產生威脅,本文試圖從美國與中國在非洲經濟與外援之數據來觀察川普「新非洲戰略」中之「修辭」(rhetoric)與中國在非洲經濟發展之「現實」(reality)之間是否有「差距」(gap)。本文首先解析川普「新非洲戰略」中之內涵與其針對中國在非洲對美國造成威脅之修辭。其次帶入美國與中國對非洲大陸之貿易、投資與外援等數據進行分析。本文最後觀察出美國在非洲大陸的經濟實力持續領先中國。而中國整體在非洲之經濟發展沒有獲得超越美國之優勢,也沒有遏制美國對非洲國家的投資與援助。川普「新非洲戰略」中針對中國在非洲大陸對美國產生威脅之修辭需要更進一步的驗證。
On December 13th 2018, the U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton unveiled the Trump administration's New Africa Strategy in the Heritage Foundation and highlighted China's economic expansion and predatory practices as a threat to the U.S. With respect to the rhetoric used in Trump's New Africa Strategy emphasizing China has gained a competitive advantage over the U.S. and threatened the U.S., this article attempts to incorporate statistics of U.S.-Africa and China-Africa economic and foreign aid performance to observe whether there is a gap between the rhetoric of Trump's New Africa Strategy and the reality of China's economic development in Africa. First, this article would analyze the content of Trump's New Africa Strategy and its rhetoric claiming China has threatened the U.S. in Africa. Secondly, statistics and data of trade, investment and foreign aid from the U.S. and China to the Africa would be integrated for analysis. At last, the article observes that the U.S. is still taking the lead in Africa. China's overall economic development in Africa has not gained the advantage over the U.S., nor has it inhibited the American investment and foreign aid to African countries. The rhetoric of Trump's New Africa Strategy claiming that China is posing a threat to the U.S. in Africa needs further examination.
起訖頁 79-115
關鍵詞 川普政府新非洲戰略修辭現實The Trump AdministrationNew Africa StrategyRhetoricReality
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201904 (66期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 哈薩克多方外交中的國際體系結構因素
該期刊-下一篇 Legislative Style




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