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Kazakhstan's Multi-Vector Foreign Policy: International Systemic and Structural Factors
作者 林子立
Kazakh's territory is vast and sparsely populated, with only 5.49 million people. The border with neighboring countries is very long, forming a strategic dilemma that is easy to attack but hard to defend. Geographically sandwiched between China and Russia's, it is extremely difficult for maintaining a sovereign dependent country. Kazakh was the last vassal state to get rid of the Soviet Union after the end of the Cold War and won independence on December 16, 1991. It is also difficult that ruling party keep maintaining its strategic balance and economic transformation and development. Thus, it has great value to study Kazakhstan's strategic thinking. Whether it is Russia's Eurasian Economic Union or China's Belt and Road Initiative, it is both a rich resource and a serious challenge for Kazakhstan. Kazakh took advantage of the end of the Cold War, which is the honeymoon period in US-Russia relations. This leads the American interest groups into Kazakhstan. At the same time, it has established a strategic partnership with Japan to develop energy technologies. It allows Nursultan to be able to achieve success one way or another. Multi-Vector Foreign Policy is not subject to ideology but best strategic choice, helping Kazakh to transform from a natural resource export economy to a multi-innovative economic model. Starting from the core issues, this paper clarifies that Kazakhstan's Multi-Vector Foreign Policy is deeply influenced by international system and structural factors. In the stable stage of the international order, Nursultan can get the benefit from both sides. However, when the international order is shifted, Nursultan will be forced to bandwagon Russia. This paper will use neoclassical realism as the theoretical framework of research, taking into account the political and economic factors at home and abroad, and analyzing the balance between Kazakh's powers in China, Russia and the United States, and ultimately has its limitations.
起訖頁 57-78
關鍵詞 哈薩克多方外交新古典現實主義國際體系結構因素Kazakhstan's Multi-Vector Foreign PolicyNeoclassical RealismInternational SystemStructural Factors
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201904 (66期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 對抗或是對話?AI未來發展的挑戰與契機
該期刊-下一篇 川普政府「新非洲戰略」之初探:修辭與現實




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