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The Analysis of Brexit, and its Influences to the Regional Integration and Development
作者 陳希宜
歐盟被視為是當今國際社會規模最大、也是最成功的區域整合機制,歐盟經驗也成為全球各區域複製、調整以尋求經濟整合與發展的參考案例,然而 2017 年 3 月 29 日英國首相梅伊簽署脫歐協議書、遞交給歐洲理事會主席,正式啟動了脫歐程序,不僅引發了英國國內軒然大波,更造成國際社會的辯論:脫歐的代價英國人準備好了嗎?又對區域經濟合作與發展而言,英國脫歐是否也暗示歐盟模式已走向盡頭,區域整合長遠而言終究利大於弊呢?而歐盟又將如何應對?本文採用文獻分析,試圖從歷史的脈絡去理解英國與歐盟、以及與歐洲大國之間的關係,來釐清英國脫歐的緣由、了解留歐派與脫歐派爭取及爭執的議題為何?並藉由比較脫歐的利弊得失,以分析脫歐所帶來的對英國本身包括政治、經濟、社會等層面,以及對歐洲持續發展區域整合的影響。
European Union is considered the most successful case of regional integration. The scheme has been highly valued and learnt by others in the world to seek for regional economic integration as well as regional development. However, the fact that Theresa May, Prime Minister of UK, formally triggered Brexit process in 29 March 2017 has caused great debates both nationally and internationally: is UK ready to bear the cost of leaving EU? Does Brexit imply that the EU model for regional integration has come to the end? How would EU response to Brexit? This article aims to explore the relations between UK and EU as well as the relations between UK and those major powers in Europe through document analysis under the historical context. The purpose of this study is to understand the reasons why UK decided to leave EU, the pros and cons and Brexit, as well as the influences that Brexit may bring to UK and to regional integration in Europe.
起訖頁 81-101
關鍵詞 脫歐歐盟區域整合BrexitEURegional integration
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201901 (65期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 歐盟規範性權力在亞洲的試煉──以貿易議程為例
該期刊-下一篇 現實政治民族主義:中共解決港臺問題比較與兩岸關係前瞻




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