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The Success or Failure of Cross-border Environmental Governance: The Case Studies of Atmosphere-related Issue
作者 郭映庭
由於主權國家的管轄權及對特定事件的治理機制會受到時空因素的羈絆,而經常被自己的領土疆界所侷限,導致面對跨境議題時需要藉助與它國的合作來克服。有趣的是,同樣都是跨界環境議題,但有些能夠得到主權國家積極地參與和配合,讓問題獲得有效的解決或控制,有些卻未必如此,這究竟是為什麼?本文企圖解釋在何種條件下,有關大氣治理的跨國合作容易發生主權國家欠缺「實質合作」,或是僅偏向參與「形式合作」的情況。 藉由質性比較分析的方法和個案研究,本文指出,若某項跨界的大氣議題先天上具有較強的公地悲劇效應時,其能透過國際合作得到有效治理的難度就會變高。研究結果也同時發現,關於大氣議題的跨界環境治理不應該對國際合作抱持過高期待;國際合作雖然如同新自由制度主義所言,是為了解決各國共同的問題,但也同樣如新現實主義反覆強調的,合作是國家在相對獲益無助於它時所不樂見之選擇,尤其是「實質合作」的結果減損了國家的相對獲益。
Since jurisdiction of sovereign states and the governance of specific issue are circumscribed by spatiotemporal factors, certain transboundary environmental issues are necessary to be governed by international cooperation. Intriguingly, cross-border environmental issues are only partly can be actively engaged and coordinated by sovereign states, and get positive outcome or under control to some extent. By contrast, the other part of them did not. Why was this the case? This paper aims to explain under what conditions in which international cooperation on atmosphere-related governance is prone to the lack of ''substantive performance'', or only keeps up appearances without actual implementations. Based on the qualitative comparative analysis with small-N cases studies, this paper reveals that if there is a transboundary atmosphere-related issue inherently with the tragedy of the commons in a strong degree, it will be more difficult to govern effectively. Further, the research finding suggests that cross-border environmental governance on atmosphere-related issue should not establish its future on international cooperation. Although international cooperation, as neo-liberal institutionalist said, is a means for solving problems, it undoubtedly is, as argued by neo-realists, the last thing that sovereign states are interested in while receiving less than what they expect to get, in terms of relative gains.
起訖頁 97-119
關鍵詞 公地悲劇相對獲益國際合作大氣治理跨界環境議題Tragedy of CommonsRelative GainsInternational CooperationAtmosphere-related GovernanceCross-border Environmental Issues
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201807 (63期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 疑歐主義、英國獨立黨與英國的脫歐公投
該期刊-下一篇 解析臺灣於中美洲的外交成果




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