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Euroscepticism;UK Independent Party and the Brexit Referendum
作者 張心怡 (Hsin-Yi Chang)
自 1950 年代歐洲展開整合以來,英國出現不少質疑或反對英國參與歐洲整合的人士,隨著歐洲整合的推進,這股懷疑和不信任歐洲整合的力量開始在英國國內壯大並逐步泛政治化,而「疑歐主義」(Euroscepticism)也被用來形容英國國內普遍存在質疑、反對歐盟的特殊現象。時至今日,疑歐主義不僅對英國的歐盟政策和 2016 年的脫歐公投產生重要影響,也在歐盟內部掀起懷疑歐洲整合的極右派政治勢力。為此,本文擬探究英國疑歐主義的發展緣起、被政治化的驅動過程,以及英國獨立黨如何操弄疑歐主義而在政壇崛起,最終導致英國的公投脫歐。經由對英國疑歐主義發展經驗的檢視,提供歐盟研究學者關於疑歐主義對於英國脫歐之影響的理解與認識,厥為本文研究主要目的所在。
When the early steps towards creating a uniting Europe were made in the 1950s, there had been considerable reservations within the British Government over the matter on whether Britain should participate in such arrangements. As time went by, these hostility and distrust towards closer European integration have evolved and gradually been politicalized in parallel to the successive developments of the European Union, whereas the term ''Euroscepticism'', no longer an exclusive British phenomenon, has come to be equated with different forms of opposition to European integration. Today, growing Euroscepticism within Britain has not only significantly increased support for UKIP's far-right politics which resulted in Brexit's referendum, but also giving rise to Eurosceptic parties across the Continent. By analyzing the development of Euroscepticism and its process of being politicalized in the UK, this article explores the role of British Euroscepticism in the rise of UKIP and discusses their influence upon the vote choice in the Brexit Referendum. With doing so, this study aims to provide a better understanding for the research on the role and effects of Euroscepticism in the European integration process.
起訖頁 65-96
關鍵詞 疑歐主義英國脫歐公投英國獨立黨保守黨歐盟EuroscepticismBrexit ReferendumUK Independent PartyConservative PartyEU
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201807 (63期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 全球治理中的日本、中國與東亞國際關係
該期刊-下一篇 跨境大氣治理成敗因素之探析




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