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An Analysis of the Confucius Institute and China's Smart Power Strategy towards Southeast Asia
作者 劉泰廷
自2000 年以來,中國已逐漸在國際社會中扮演新的角色。伴隨著經濟成長,中國不僅已在中亞和東南亞地區成為不可或缺的區域強權,更表現出其希望能透過軍事和政治影響力的提升,成為大國的姿態。中國崛起雖然立基於傳統權力的提升上,但北京也發現「文化」才是成為大國的關鍵。由於持續成長可能會不經意地對國際社會造成威脅,因此若要增進自身國際地位,必須掃除如此疑慮。透過Joseph Nye 的「巧實力」概念,本文將觀察近期中國採取的文化出口政策,並描述北京如何嘗試結合文化與硬實力戰略,兩者併行以達成外交目標。更準確地說,作者將聚焦於孔子學院,並討論其在傳播中國文化和形塑中國國際形象上所扮演的角色。
Since the turn of the century, China has gradually taken on new roles in the international community. With the support of a fast growing economy, China has not only developed into a regional power with expanded roles in Central and Southeast Asia, the country also shows aspirations to become a great power through increased military capacity and actions that seek to induce systematic change in the world. While traditional power provides the mainstay for China's rise, Chinese political elites have also taken notice of the fact that culture is the key to greatness. Employing Joseph Nye's concept of ''smart power,'' this article examines the case of China's global cultural policy in recent years and describes how Beijing attempts to utilize Chinese culture to complement hard power strategy and achieve its interests in the world. Specifically, the author will focus on the Confucius Institute and how the institute serves as a tool for exporting Chinese thought and culture and shaping China's international image.
起訖頁 97-108
關鍵詞 中國東南亞巧實力軟實力孔子學院ChinaSoutheast AsiaSmart PowerSoft PowerConfucius Institute
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201601 (特集3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 歐盟對中國的角色:經濟與政治面向之此消彼長?
該期刊-下一篇 不干預原則的終結:中國對盧安達、烏干達與剛果政策之比較(2000-2014)




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