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Difficulty and Structure of Identification: An Exploration of a Pathological Reduction Approach to Self-Identity in the Communication Field
作者 趙雅麗
自我在「本體」與「認識」上所形成的矛盾,往往引發其對「存有」的質疑和緊張,而這種結構上的困境,似乎也正指向傳播領域在「自我認同」(self-identity)上所面臨的危機。本文首先說明傳播學門因知識本質的混淆所形成之主體性危機,並探討此一問題在「本體論」與「認識論」兩者間所形成的結構困境;接著闡述「病理學還原」(pathological reduction)方法論上的哲學預設與學理基礎,並透過「病理學還原」的進路,探討「形式知識」與「內容知識」的分屬定位;最後則闡述傳播作為形式學門的知識本質,並試圖勾勒出其所應具備之獨特的學門樣態。
The paradox between 'ontology' and 'epistemology' of the self often leads to query and tension toward its 'being'. This difficulty in structure seemingly points to the self-identity crisis that confronts the communication field.This study first introduces the identity crisis in the communication field due to the disorder of its knowledge base and simultaneously discusses its difficulty from a structural entanglement between ontology and epistemology. The study then follows up by stating the philosophical assumptions and theoretical methodology of pathological reduction. The study further aims to explore respectively the position of form knowledge as well as content knowledge. Finally, it elaborates upon the nature of communication knowledge for being a form field and sketches the unique perspective that the communication field should possess.
起訖頁 119-161
關鍵詞 自我認同病理學還原形式知識內容知識意義系譜Self-identityPathological reductionForm knowledgeContent knowledgeSpectrum of meaning
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 200507 (84期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 在速度的廢墟中挺進:電子媒介新聞的唯物批判觀點
該期刊-下一篇 電視談話性節目研究--來賓、議題結構及閱聽人特質分析




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