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Pivot towards China: Japan's Renewed Security Strategy in Asia
作者 劉泰廷洪銘德
在中國依舊是眾多觀察家眼中撐起全球經濟發展的主角同時,其聚「和諧」與「威脅」於一身的特質使許多國家不敢掉以輕心。儘管中日經濟關係持續發展,就外交和區域安全而言,日本對中國崛起仍抱持警慎的態度。自2012 年安倍晉三重新就任日本首相以來,東京在亞洲採取一系列作為,暗示新政府「包圍」或「圍堵」北京的決心。安倍的「三支箭」以外,為了壓抑中國,日本已與美國、緬甸和印度加強關係。日本的新一波攻勢包括加入跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴協議(TPP)的談判,以及增進日緬和日印關係。本文試分析東京的新戰略以及其對於中日關係的影響。
While China continues to be eyed by many observers as the engine of economic growth in the near future, the double edged sword of China's harmonious and threat identities continues to prompt states to respond accordingly as well. Despite economic progress, in the realm of foreign policy and regional security, Japan remains cautious over China's rise. Since Shinzo Abe's re-election as prime minister in 2012, Tokyo has undertaken a series of moves in Asia that hint at the new government's determination to ''ring in,'' if not ''contain'' Beijing. Besides the shock of Abe's Three Arrows, Japan has strengthened relations with the U.S., Burma and India in an effort to fence in China. Japan's invigorated efforts include agreement to enter negotiations for the Transpacific Strategic Economic Partnership and the warming of Japan-Burma and Japan-India relations. This paper seeks to analyze Tokyo's new strategy and its implications for Sino-Japanese relations.
起訖頁 139-152
關鍵詞 日本安全中日關係印度緬甸跨太平洋戰略經濟夥伴協議Japanese SecuritySino-Japanese RelationsIndiaBurmaTPP
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201404 (46期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 緬甸軍政府轉型與民主化發展:2012年國會補選前後的觀察與分析
該期刊-下一篇 整合、分裂或不小心打交道?亞洲區域主義的可能發展




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