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Japan's Foreign Policy under the Second Abe Administration
作者 郭育仁 (Yujen Kuo)
安倍晉三於2012 年上台後開始將對外政策拉回美日同盟中心,並試圖將民主黨的外交殘局轉化為國防改革與對美關係的契機,以重新取回日本外交策略的主動性。安倍外交主要依循「先內而外」與「先易後難」兩大原則,並積極推動四大策略:一、強化國防改革與美日同盟。二、以美軍基地遷移與駐日美軍重編的對美妥協、與加入TPP協商換取美國對日本短期內不改善對中、韓關係的諒解。三、推動「地球儀外交」,將日本重新帶回國際舞台,以營造未來與中、韓交涉時,較有利的談判環境與籌碼。四、再以經貿等議題逐步改善對中、韓關係。
Prime Minister Abe has reoriented Japanese diplomacy back to U.S.-Japan centric approach since his return to power in 2012. Abe has also tried to turn the problematic relations with China into the opportunity of reforming defense in order to regain Japan's strategic activeness. Abe diplomacy is following two main principles: the domestic affairs and easier diplomatic issues first, in order to carry out four strategies: The first is the defense reform and U.S.-Japan alliance reinforcement. The second is compromising of TPP, U.S. base and Marine Corps relocation in exchange for the U.S. understanding that Japan will not improve its relations with China in short time. The third is applying the bird's eye view of global affairs to bring Japan back to the world diplomatic stage and formulate favorable international environment and more bargaining chips for Japan to deal with China and South Korea latter. And the last is to utilize economic and trade issues to gradually improve Japan's relations to China and South Korea.
起訖頁 43-64
關鍵詞 安倍晉三日本外交政策美日同盟地球儀外交Shinzo AbeJapanese Foreign PolicyU.S.-Japan AllianceThe Bird's Eye View of Global Affairs
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 201404 (46期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 總統選舉來臨對大陸政策合作衝突方向的影響:2008年大選前的檢視
該期刊-下一篇 應對朝鮮半島突發事變的中國外交及軍事戰略




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