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The Categories of Swordplay Genre Analysis
作者 賴玉釵
本研究試著解析,武俠電影擁有哪些特質、可與其它類型做出區辨;再從這些特質裡,擬出武俠電影之類型分析指標。如韓子所云,「俠」以「武」「犯禁」,武力和犯禁變成俠敘事裡的重要元素。若從「武」的觀點延伸,可發現俠的武打招式、武學造詣、慣用武器等特性。結合「犯禁」概念,可知影人以「平不平」、「報恩仇」、「立功名」與「民族大義」,為俠的犯法動機做出解釋,並推演出一套近乎公式的行俠模式。在「犯禁」的基礎上,「江湖」的「與朝廷相對」意涵,也為犯禁行動做出合理解釋,近一步延伸出「江湖」─專供俠士行走的場域。從俠之組成構面著手,可延伸至類型分析指標的慣用動作(action)、武器(objects)、地域與佈景(location & settings,構塑江湖的面向)、行俠動機與模式(theme & framework)。而武俠電影的明星(stars)、古裝(costumes),則詮釋了俠客造型;武打聲效(voice & music)可加強武打的氛圍;光線(light)則標明俠客所在的時刻與地理特性,也為江湖做更進一步詮釋。常見對白(conversations)顯示了俠客心理活動、與他人互動情況。至於視角(camera lenses)、移鏡(camera movements)、鏡頭遠近(camera shot)則提供整合視覺符碼的機制,讓導演清楚的「框現」何者為俠,以不同的角度、構圖方式,引導觀眾對俠形象之構塑、乃至武俠片的認知,亦是辨識武俠片型之基礎。
Genre analysis of moving image is an important topic in recent years. From 1980's, several scholars, such as Sobchack, Berger, Hansen and Neale, put their emphasis on the new area. Especially, Hansen has mentioned categories of western genre, which modified from Cawelti's categories .In Hansen’s system, the analysis of genre film can divide into 2 parts, including visual conventions and narrative conventions. In this way, we can find the framework of genre analysis. But does the categories suit to swordplay genre? If we want to modify Hansen's model, how can we modify it to suit to the grammar of swordplay’s image languages? In this article, the author hypothesizes that 'swordsman' is the basic element in swordplay genre, therefore, we can identify whether is the swordplay or not. From the swordsman's culture, the author modifies the categories of genre analysis mentioned by Hansen. The article not only modifies traditional framework of genre analysis to suit to swordplay genre, but also adds two new categories, convention actions (Kung-Fu) and river-and-lake (locations and settings) to produce new model of genre analysis.
起訖頁 97-133
關鍵詞 武俠電影視覺公式敘事模式影像語言類型分析genre analysisimage languagesswordplayswordsman's culture
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200301 (20期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 研發「公共電視數位化」之資源網絡分析──行動者的實徵調查與情境詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 媒體企業之集團化與多角化研究──以中國電視公司為例




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