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A Network Analysis of Knowledge for Digitization in Public Television Service-- The empirical analysis and situational interpretation based on an action research
作者 程宗明
數位化知識之私有本質與利潤導向,是公共電視服務(public service broadcasting),面臨數位衝擊的最大挑戰。數位化的傳播技術發展,始源於電信科技,強調附加價值開發,並奠基在消費者付費的理論上經營。電視數位化,除了承襲這些特質,更寄望藉此搭上網路的商機,落實資本利潤極大化。這種趨勢,與公視所強調的公民服務、普及化、非營利導向,可謂大相逕庭。因此,公視經營者面對數位化,必須擺脫現今數位電視主流論述,突破市場導向的知識體系,創立屬於「公共服務」之數位化知識分享系統。本研究以公視研發部的經驗為實驗場域,強調透過網路科技之資源,建構「全球公共媒體之數位化知識」分享系統的可能,並評估初步的應用成效。以組織傳播的網絡分析(network analysis)概念為方法,透過實證取向,認識分享系統網絡之組成與知識傳遞的特性;透過詮釋取向,體驗動態網絡運行的重要性與知識革新的初效。
A profit-driven knowledge is a critical challenge to public service broadcasting (PSB) in face of digitization. Based on the user charge theory, telecommunications industry privatized itself by creating digital value-added service, serving affluent consumer society. The original idea of digital television was influenced by those trends of privatization and deregulation. Moreover, the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication technologies merged e-commerce with television service. It seems that commercial broadcasting will realize profit maximization through the redesigning communication network above. However, the way of commercial broadcasters utilizing digital knowledge is completely different to the mission of PSB: serving civil society, making universal service, managing non-profit orientation. As a result, a knowledge sharing system of digitization for PSB is emerging in order to move beyond the market-driven discourse of digital television. This research was built on the field work of R&D within Public Television Service Foundation (PTS), Taiwan. It proposed that a digitization knowledge sharing network for global public media is possible by connecting worldwide internet resources of PSB, think-tank, trade union and social movement. The making and contents of this network was empirically survey. The dynamic and diffusive nature of network's knowledge was lively uncovered through an interpretive review.
起訖頁 59-95
關鍵詞 公共電視知識分享組織傳播網際網路數位電視創新傳布Diffusion of InnovationDigital TelevisionInternetKnowledge SharingOrganizational CommunicationPublic Service Broadcasting
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200301 (20期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 發現螢幕:資訊品質與觀眾賦權再思考
該期刊-下一篇 試擬武俠電影之類型分析指標




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