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The Audience comprehension to the Audio-visual structure of TV news
作者 陳毓麒
台灣地區民眾接觸最多的媒介是電視,每天看電視半小時以上的人數高達89.8%,電視不但成為人們日常生活的一部份,電視新聞更逐漸取代報紙成為台灣民眾主要的資訊來源。本研究便是在探討電視新聞的結構層面與閱聽人理解(comprehension)間的關係。本研究採單因子實驗設計(A one factors experiment design)。自變項( independent variable ) 是電視新聞,其下分成為三(three conditions):影音結構一致、影像結構不一致、及聲音結構不一致的電視新聞。依變項(dependent variable)是閱聽人對電視新聞的理解。參與實驗的受試者為文化大學的學生,共二百四十人。實驗分成兩階段進行: 第一階段為前測, 主要目的在藉以修正所要操弄(manipulate)的電視新聞及問卷(questionnaire)。第二階段為正式施測,分成控制組( control group ) 及兩組實驗組( experiment group)進行。控制組所觀看的是影音結構一致(match)的電視新聞,而其他兩組實驗組則分別觀看影像結構不一致及聲音結構不一致的電視新聞,等到電視新聞播報完畢後隨請受試者填寫問卷。研究中對「電視新聞理解」的測量,乃參考Robinson & Davis 的做法,並依理解門檻(comprehension threshold)將測量分為二:1. 指出新聞的中心重點( central point )(便是跨越理解門檻)。2. 指出更多相關細節(detail)(理解的層次越高)。本研究主要的發現為:1.電視新聞文法結構若是有所變動,會影響到閱聽人對電視新聞的理解2.新聞議題並不會影響到閱聽人對電視新聞的理解3. 當電視新聞結構不一致時,閱聽人是以聲音訊息來理解電視新聞4.電視新聞影像是影響閱聽人理解電視新聞的原因之一,但不是絕對的因素。
TV is the most popular media of Taiwan. 89.9% of the island state people watch TV more than half-hour everyday. TV is part of life for Taiwanese. Furthermore, the TV news is gradually replaced newspaper to be the major source of information. Therefore, this research is trying to disclosure the relations between the structure of TV news and the comprehension of the audience. A '3X1 One Factors Experiment Design' was utilized for this research. The TV news was selected as the independent variable. Three different structures were used: matched video-audio structured TV news, mismatched video-audio structured TV news, and a single-out mismatched audio structured TV news. The comprehension of the audience was selected as the dependent variable for this research. Totally 245 Chinese Culture University students participated in the research. The experience was conducted in two different phases. Phase I - 'Pre-Test' stag is to correct the manipulated TV news and questionnaire. In phase II - 'Official Test' stag, the audience were separated into a group of control group and two different experiment groups. The control group would watch matched vedio-audio structured TV news. One group of experiment group would watch mismatched vedio-audio structured TV news. The other experiment group would watch mismatched audio structured TV news. All participants were required to answer the questionnaire after watching the news. The Robinson & Davis method was referred for the measurement of audience comprehension. The measurement focused on two factors in accordance with the comprehension threshold: 1) to point out the central point of news, 2) to point out more related details of news. The results are concluded as the follows: 1. The audio structure is the major factor that influents the audience, 2. The video is better than audio for audience in understanding the details of news, 3. The audio is better than video for audience in understanding the central point of news.
起訖頁 119-143
關鍵詞 不一致(mismatch)電視新聞理解電視新聞形式結構comprehensionmismatchAudio-visual structure of TV news
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200109 (17期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 流行文化「名人」推薦廣告之研究──解析「電視廣告就是媒介內容」的類型與意義建構過程
該期刊-下一篇 密西根州立大學電訊傳播學系介紹〈http://tc.msu.edu〉




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