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A Survey of Taiwan Cable Subscribers' Satisfaction
作者 劉幼琍陳清河
有線電視訂戶滿意度的指標為何,國外學者如 Metzger(1983),Atkin(1992)與Randy(1995)的討論較多。台灣自民國八十四年以來,雖然也有訂戶的意見調查或滿意度的相關研究,卻各有各的變項與標準。本研究檢視國內外有關有線電視訂戶滿意度的文獻後,特以頻道內容、收訊品質、收費員服務態度、客服人員態度、維修服務、有線電視刊物與收視費率等七項指標,調查台灣全省有線電視訂戶對有線電視的滿意度。本研究採用電話調查法進行調查。母體群為台閩地區18 歲以上的有線電視訂戶,且為收視者。有效樣本為1,083 人。抽樣誤差在信賴水準為95%時為正負2.3%。本研究發現,有線電視訂戶對有線電視的整體滿意度超過六成,不滿意的比例不到三成。在頻道內容、收訊品質、收費員服務態度、客服人員態度、維修服務與有線電視刊物的六項指標當中,訂戶的滿意度為四成七至六成九。滿意度皆遠超過不滿意。不過訂戶對有線電視費率的滿意度卻與前面六項指標相反。有高達六成七的訂戶認為有線電視收視費用貴,可是交叉分析顯示,即使表示貴的受訪者亦有五成五表示對有線電視的整體表現滿意。認為收視費用剛好的受訪者中,更有七成三表示對有線電視的整體表現滿意。本文在結論中特別以國外文獻解釋此一現象。
The purpose of this paper is to assess customer satisfaction with cable service. The paper examines international and local literature regarding cable subscribership and audience satisfaction. It employs seven indexes to measure customer satisfaction. They are cable TV content, reception quality, fee collection service, customer service, repair service, cable TV guide, and subscription fees. Data were gathered in telephone interviews conducted with 1,083 cable subscribers. The results show that cable subscribers' overall satisfaction is over 60%, while their dissatisfaction is less than 30%. Within the seven indexes, 67 percent of the subscribers are only dissatisfied with the subscription fees. Their satisfaction toward other six indexes is higher than that of dissatisfaction. They think the subscription fees are still higher than they expect. However, the subscribers who are dissatisfied with the fees are still satisfied with the overall performance of cable TV. Therefore, there is no connection between subscribers' attitudes towards subscription fees and service quality.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 滿意度有線電視有線電視訂戶收訊品質有線電視費率頻道內容客戶服務維修服務Cable TVcustomer satisfactionsubscription feescustomer servicequality service
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200109 (17期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-下一篇 公共電視企業文化、管理運作與組織溝通之關聯性研究




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