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Research on Listeners' Listening Choice Process in Taiwan
作者 黃葳威
As the fast development of Internet radio as well as digital radio, how to target the flow of radio listeners and adjust programming becomes more and more important. Related radio research includes the perspectives on media management and radio listening behaviors. The former consists of the evaluation of radio positioning, programming strategy, and the management of human resources; the latter, radio listening motivation and behaviors. Almost no literature deals with listening choice process. Due to the deregulation of radio frequency, the competition of radio advertising market, the difference of radio listening behavior, and the lack of research on listening choice process, this research paper will discuss the following questions: 1. What is the listening choice process of radio listeners in Taiwan? 2. Is there any difference between listening choice processes of listeners from diversified locations? 3. Does listeners' listening time affect their listening choice process? 4. Does any demographic variable affect listeners' listening choice process?Based on computer-assisted telephone interviewing 1198 respondents, the results are listed as the following: 1. The listening choice process of radio listeners in Taiwan is composed of three approaches: planned listening, orient search, reevaluation. 2. There is significant difference on listeners' planned listening choice process between listeners from diversified locations. 3. Listeners' listening time does affect their listening choice process. 4. Listeners' age is negatively related to their orient search and reevaluation listening choice process. The degree of listeners' education is positively related to their planned listening choice process.
起訖頁 37-65
關鍵詞 轉台行為計劃型收聽搜尋模式再評估模式Listening choice processPlanned listeningOrienting searchReevaluation
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200009 (15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 客觀報導與公眾服務──一九九八年香港立法會選舉電視採訪報導研究
該期刊-下一篇 從品質觀點探討戲劇節目的表現




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