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Objective Reporting and Public Service-- A Study of Television News Coverage On Hong Kong's Legislative Council Elections in 1998
作者 杜耀明聶依文
This study aims to assess the performance of television news media in covering Hong Kong's first Legislative Council elections in 1998 after the territory's sovereignty was reverted to the People's Republic of China. Election news produced by the three television stations in Hong Kong during the campaign period and on the voting day is assessed according to two journalistic norms: objectivity and public service. Face time and voice time of candidates who appeared in election news is recorded and compared as a means to quantify the differences of coverage among competing candidates and political parties. The tone of election coverage where candidates appeared and/or spoke is also coded. Based on the distribution of various tones used for reporting different candidates, the neutrality of television news media is thus analyzed. On the other hand, based on a content analysis of election news reports, and media- initiated election news in particular, the extent of public service delivered by election news is assessed. This is evaluated in terms of how useful the information conveyed by election news is in helping the voter make an informed electoral choice and how accessible television news media are to the public as a channel for participation in the electoral process. Results show that the television new media produced basically objective news reports but failed in their public service role.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 選舉新聞電視新聞報導新聞客觀性公共新聞學election newstelevision news reportingnews objectivitypublic journalism
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 200009 (15期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-下一篇 台灣地區民眾收聽廣播轉台行為分析




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