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The Conglomeration of Taiwan's Cable Television Industry-- A Case Study of the Koos Group and the Rebar Group
作者 陳炳宏
Taiwan's cable industry has dramatically changed in terms of its structure after it was legalized in 1993. Since cable television is a capital-intensive industry, its market has been dominated by economic power and its operation has been dominated by domestic conglomerates. In addition, the tendency towards conglomeration has been repeated in the cable television industry, where the number of system operators decreased from 625 in 1993 to approximately 100 in early 1999. Meanwhile, various business conglomerates have acquired interests in the industry through mergers and acquisitions. Although one study concludes that media industry should be free of the control under business conglomerates and political parties, another research indicates that conglomeration is an inevitable tendency of Taiwan's cable industry. Under the circumstances, my study examined the control of two domestic business conglomerates, the United Communications Group (UCG) and the Eastern Multimedia Group (EMG), over Taiwan's cable industry. Overall, my study reviewed their business structures, the total number of cable systems and cable channels under their operation, strategies of mergers and acquisitions, and their influences on Taiwan's cable industry. In conclusion, my study revealed that Taiwan's cable industry is definitely under the control of UCG and EMG, but its further development and their influences need to be carefully investigated.
起訖頁 89-110
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199911 (14期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 公共電視新聞性節目編排策略之研究──節目類型與收視率研究結構之觀點
該期刊-下一篇 大學生電視劇審美體驗試析




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