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The Post-Movement of Dismantling the TV Tripartite of the Military, the Party, and the Government Bureaucracy-- A Political Economy Proposal of Institutional Reform
作者 程宗明
After publishing the Dismantling the Broadcasting Media and passing the movement of the TV tripartite cleansing, the discussion of VHF television reform is unheard, although the TV program is degrading, the reform resource is draining away, and the channels are diversifying. This research proposed that it is necessary to redirect the professional education in order to reinvent the reform movement. The future movement could not ask the right question if the communication education continually based on a descriptive television history. It shows no clue to find out how television industry was shaped by the social forces on the one hand, and the power blocs were interlocked by the television system on the other hand. Moreover, based on a critique of the dominant ideology of television culture and content, the movement fell into the trap of relying on the diversity of TV channel. It confused the people whether the contemporary television problem is nothing more a definition of public goods but a matter of competition. This research calls for a political economy approach to study the theory and practice of TV institutional reform. Consisting of instrumentalist, institutionalist and structuralist, this study will contribute to understanding the origins of current problems, making a persuasive policy rhetoric, and planning the realistic strategy of TV reform.
起訖頁 87-122
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199901 (13期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 有線電視在香港資訊基礎建設的角色
該期刊-下一篇 廣電科技、家戶空間與家庭時間的論辯──英國媒體與文化研究的理論性觀點




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