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The Social Marketing for Public TV
作者 關尚仁鄭如雯
Facing an evolving society and a multi-channel media environment, the Public TV in Taiwan is under the challenge of gaining public support and public recognition. The promoting of PTV's 'nature', 'value', 'identity', and 'vision' are things being neglected during the organizing stage, are critical challenges for the newly established PTV station. How to win the public support? What are ways to promote the identity or the true value of PTV? How to develop an effective social marketing strategy for selling PTV concept and services? These are the main points discussed in this article. This article is a conceptual study. It attempts to draw new concepts from previous studies. The theory of non-profits organization management and that of social marketing are carefully analyzed to reveal the nature of PTV's social marketing. The PTV social marketing experiences of other country are studied and adapted. A Taiwan PTV's social marketing diagram is developed as a proto-model. Based on this preliminary model, suggestions are provided for Taiwan PTV in conducting its marketing to the general public. Suggestions include to set clear mission statement, to develop organizational culture through employees' commitment, and the adaption of four C's marketing strategy.
起訖頁 45-69
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199807 (12期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 公共廣電、市場競爭與效率:關於BBC前途的論述
該期刊-下一篇 非商業廣播頻道節目走向分析──以宗教社區電台為例




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