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Competition and Programming Diversity: A Study on the Three Network TV Stations in Taiwan
作者 李秀珠 (Shiow-Ju Lee)江靜之
本研究檢視市場競爭與電視節目多樣性之相關性。台灣之電視市 場一直處於三台壟斷之寡佔市場結構下,過去20幾年來,國內三台三天下之局勢並沒有帶來太多之市場競爭。然而,隨著衛星電視之受歡迎及有線電視之合法,台灣之電視選擇突然由過去之三台增為現在之六十多個頻道,為台灣電視市場注入了一股強而有力之競爭力。本研究根據Litman(1979)之研究將節目多樣性分為垂直多樣性及平行多樣性,並以有線電視合法化之年度--1993年為基準,各抽取前後三年之三台電視節目作為分析之樣本。本研究之資料分析結果顯示,市場競爭所帶來的節目多樣性似乎只限於節目播出時間之加長,以及節目數量之增加,至於節目類型之多元化則並無出現,反而有傾向減少之可能。
The relationship between market concentration and product innovation has long been a dispute among media economists with some suggesting a negative relationship between market concentration and product innovation, and other asserting the contrary (Burnett, 1992; Dominick & Pearce, 1976; Peterson & Berger, 1975). The main purpose of this study is to investigate this issue by examining the relationship between market competition and programming diversity in Taiwan's TV market. Taiwan's TV market was under rigid regulations for more than twenty years with only three networks dominating the market. But recently, with the booming Asia-Pacific satellite TV industry, the situation has been under great transformation. The changing environment of Taiwan's TV market poses a good opportunity for researchers to examine the relationship between market competition and programming diversity. This study takes this opportunity to investigate the relationship between market structure and product innovation by collecting programming data of the three TV networks in Taiwan. Six years of programming data of the three networks in Taiwan were collected for data analysis. The results show a negative relationship between market competition and program diversity. Possible explanations for this result were discussed in the paper.
起訖頁 21-37
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199801 (11期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 全球傳播集團併購的新趨勢及其對台灣電視媒體之意義
該期刊-下一篇 美國有線電視與電信事業跨業經營管制歷程之研究




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