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An Initial Study of Internet Development in Chinese Mainland
作者 余紹逖陳嘉正林永豐 (Yung-Feng Lin)
本文就網際網路(Internet)現階段發展作一回顧,並介紹中國大陸網際網路發長之歷程與重要計畫。為探討其社會層面之應用,本文亦對現時相關科技與網路法令規範提出檢討。本文以中國大陸為例,就下列傳播相關議題深入探討與網際網路之互動關係:一、跨國資訊流通;二、民主參與;三、資訊落差;四、社會控制;五、國際宣傳。今日網際網路在中國大陸發展所面對的挑戰,不僅是資訊科技與電信網路建設之不足,且尚與中國大陸行政當局將傳媒作為國家宣傳 機器之態度有關。儘管經濟改革的對外開放的呼聲甚切,但短期內中國大陸的網際網路使用者仍以都會地區之社會菁英為主。
This paper first introduced baseline functions of Internet as a new mass media. A historical review of Internet development in Chinese mainland was presented which included a number of major Internet-related projects. To give background infromation of social applications of Internet, the status quo of Internet laws and regulations was briefed. The following issues were addressed to examine current impacts of Internet deployment: 1. Transborder Data Flow; 2. Democratic Participation; 3. Information Gap; 4. Social Control; 5. International Propaganda. As a new media, Internet in Chinese mainland faces various challenges. In addition to meet requirements of baseline computer resources and telecommunication network deployment, it has to deal with the traditional sentiment of Chinese government that mass media should be served as the national propaganda machine. It is thus our conclusion that, even with the urgent requests of information exchange for economic reforms and academic reserach, the acquisition of Internet will remain to be applicable for the social elite of major metropolitan cities in the near future.
起訖頁 109-142
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199607 (8期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 新聞敘事觀點與敘事聲調分析
該期刊-下一篇 另類科技對電訊傳播政策的影響:網際網路電話引發的規避問題




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