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The Programming Strategies of Satellite TV: The Perspective of Cultural Proximity
作者 李秀珠 (Shiow-Ju Lee)
根據霍斯金及米諾斯的研究,他們發現一個植基於某一文化的節目,當挪移至另一文化時,它的吸引力會因而減低,因為觀眾可能無法對節目的風格、價值及行為模式等產生共鳴,他們稱這種現象為文化折扣(Hoskin & Mirus, 1988)。因此當所有其他因素相當時,觀眾會較偏好類似其文化之節目,這也就是文化接近性對節目的影響。目前台灣正在積極地加入亞太電視市場的經營,本研究的主要目的乃是從文化接近性這個觀點來談經營亞太電視市場的策略。目前在亞太地區經營華語市場幾個較有影響力的公司為衛星電視公司(Star TV)、電視廣播國際有限公司(TVBI)、及傳訊電視公司,這三家公司所經營的衛星頻道很受亞太地區民眾的歡迎。本研究針對此三家電視公司,以深度訪談、節目分析及報章相關資料的分析等研究方法,來探討三家電視公司在各頻道所採用的各種本土化(即文化接近性)策略,最後並歸納出這些頻道的共同特色。
According to the study by Hoskins and Mirus (1988), it showed that when a TV program rooted in one culture was transmitted to another culture, the attractiveness of that program diminished. The reason for the diminished appeal of the program was that the viewers could not identify with the style, values, beliefs and behavioral patterns of the program. Hoskins and Mirus called this phenomenon cultural discount. Therefore, when all other things became equal, audiences will prefer the programs which are closer to their culture than those which are not. This is how cultural proximity influences the popularity of a TV program. Using the perspective of cultural proximity, this study attempted to examine the feasibility of running transnational TV stations in the Asian-Pacific region. Among the TV companies which are running transnational TV stations in the Asian-Pacific region, Star TV, TVBI, and CTN are the most influential. By means of intensive interviews, content analysis, and literature review, this study explored the localization strategies used by the 3 companies in their various channels. The findings and results were discussed in the paper.
起訖頁 35-58
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199601 (7期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣民眾收看大陸衛星電視節目行為之研究
該期刊-下一篇 衛星電視的本土化經營屬性之研究




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