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Toward a Research Framework for Computer-Mediated Communication
作者 Lin-lin Ku
電腦中介傳播(computer-mediatedcommunication)系統的應用,使吾人對傳播過程有了新的認識。這些系統模糊了傳播理論學者對傳統傳播型態的界定,並開始重新定義人際傳播過程。有關CMC系統發展與應用的研究不斷成長,而學者們也瞭解到傳統傳播理論(特別是大眾傳播理論)對電腦中介傳播解釋之不足。一些學者同意,對於CMC系統應用與效果的研究,應著重其互動的特色,而對於各種傳播系統的比較,應著重於相互間的共通性,而非相異性。傳播學者已開始發展新的傳播模式,來涵蓋推陳出新的傳播科技。本論文擬整合過去對CMC系統不同的研究,提出一個研究架構及未來研究方向。本論文討論的傳播系統包括:1.人際傳播媒介如面對面及電話;2.CMC系統,如電子郵件、語音郵件、電腦會議及電子佈告欄;3.傳統印刷及廣播媒介。本文提出之研究架構,列舉電腦中介傳播之特色,並使用一簡化的量表,來表示各個媒介具有某個特色的程度為何。有關電腦中介傳播之特色,可分為四大類:1.對於終端機、帳號,或其他設備的接近性。2.過程。著重於互動性(interactivity)的各個面向的討論。3.社會臨場感(social presence)。著重對其各個面向的討論。4.限制。即各種影響媒介使用的傳播及個人因素。本論文所提出之研究架構有兩個意義。第一,CMC系統的應用,修正了人際傳播過程的研究,可以使研究者更了解資訊是如何交換的。其次,隨著愈來愈多的新媒介的上市,透過對傳播過程的研究,可以使吾人更瞭解使用者是如何選用不同的媒介去從事不同的傳播行為。本研究主張,對於CMC系統的應用及效果,應從事有系統的研究。本論文提出的研究架構即試圖對CMC系統從事有系統的研究。
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) systems blur traditional context distinctions made by communication theorists. Developments in computer and telecommunication technologies have begun to redefine the process of human communication. Scholars have been forced to reconceptualize information and communication processes. In this study, we add to this reconceptualization by integrating separate approaches to research on CMC systems and extending the discussion in new ways. Three types of media are included in the discussion: 1) interpersonal media, including face-to-face and telephone; 2) CMC systems, including electronic mail, voice mail, computer conferencing, and electronic bulletin boards; and 3) traditional print and broadcast media. This research framework identifies four classes of CMC characteristics and uses an approximate scale to demonstrate different degrees of various characteristics of each medium. The four classes of CMC characteristics include: 1) Access to terminals, accounts or other equipment. 2) Process, including six dimensions of interactivity. 3) Social presence, the extent to which users perceive others to be psychologically present when interacting over a medium. 4) Constraints, including personal and communication factors influencing media use. The proposed framework represents a fruitful research approach. First, the characteristics of CMC systems have modified human communication process. A focus on the communication process will help researchers better underst and how information is exchanged. Moreover, as more and more new media become available, a focus on the communication process directs research attention to make comparisons across media to better understand media choice-making. This study argues that CMC systems should be studied in a more systematic way and the proposed framework suggests a number of research directions. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) systems provide new opportunities for understanding communication processes. The communication environment created by the computer is rather different from that of traditional modes communication. CMC systems blur traditional context distinctions make by communication theorists. Developments in computer and telecommunication technologies have begun to redefine the process of human communication. Scholars (Rice & Williams, 1984; Rogers, 1988; Rogers & Chaffee, 1983) have recognized a need to reconceptualize the communication process to accommodate the interactive characteristics of new communication technologies such as CMC systems. As development and applications of CMC systems increase, research regarding their uses and implications continues to grow. Rice (1989) argues that the existing body of research on uses and effects of CMC systems tends to 'emphasize technological idiosyncrasies rather than communication commonalities' (p.436). It is, thus, essential to provide a framework for research on CMC. This paper outlines key concepts of CMC that have differentiated CMC itself from traditional human and mass communication. A research framework for systematic studying of CMC systems is proposed. Implications for research are then discussed.
起訖頁 185-212
刊名 廣播與電視  
期數 199501 (5期)
出版單位 國立政治大學廣播電視學系
該期刊-上一篇 中共衛星暨有線電視之發展:政治經濟面之分析
該期刊-下一篇 日本電視媒介生態發展之研究──以新媒介與電視發展為軸心




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