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Palimpsestic Taiwanphone Studies—An Example of Green Island and its Negotiation of Translation
作者 劉威廷 (Liou Wei-ting)

台美人楊小娜的英文著作Green Island書寫發生於1947年的二二八事件,從英文翻譯為台灣華語市場出版品《綠島》。以華語語系研究與翻譯研究的角度共同觀之,此台灣國族創傷事件在台灣境內與境外藉由重層語系播撒、離散、轉譯而歷時性地歸返台灣場域。英文文本與中文譯本的敘事與用字差異、作者與譯者在美國與台灣不同場域的規則與各自的文化資本與佔位、兩造殊異的讀者群,以及特別是文本牽涉的多種語系如英語、日語、現代中文、閩南語等,及跨語系旅行後的音聲與話語如何在翻譯過程中選擇性的呈現,皆標示著台灣這個重層語系場域裡豐富的翻譯面貌。論文特別針對音聲與話語以及語系翻譯間造成的表意過程的落差進行討論。



Taiwanese American Shawna Yang Ryan’s English work Green Island is a fiction on the February 28th Incident happened in 1947. After translation, its Chinese version was published in the Chinese market in Taiwan. Inspecting from both perspectives of Sinophone studies and translation studies, this traumatic event of the Taiwanese nation, within and outside Taiwan, through palimpsestic phones, has been diachronically disseminated, displaced, and translated back to Taiwan field. An abundant facets of translation in the field filled with palimpsestic phones in Taiwan is presented through the following phenomena—the gap of narrative and terms between the English text and Chinese translated text, different rules in American and Taiwanese field and the author and the translator’s own cultural capital and position-takings, the two texts’ differentiated readership, in particular the multiple languages involved in the two texts such as English, Japanese, Mandarin and Hokkien, and how the sound and parole are selectively presented after their cross-language travel. The essay particularly conducts an analysis of translation strategy of the parts of the sound and the parole, as well as the gap of signification due to the translation between Anglophone and Sinophone.


起訖頁 079-110
關鍵詞 重層語系二二八事件翻譯研究華語語系研究palimpsestic phonesFebruary 28th IncidentTranslation StudiesSinophone Studie
刊名 彰化師大國文學誌  
期數 202012 (40、41合刊期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣區域文學史寫作的發展與侷限--以《苗栗縣文學史》為主要討論對象
該期刊-下一篇 論宋澤萊預言小說《廢墟台灣》的未來想像與環境省思




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