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RTAs and the Restructuring of the International Politico-economic System in East Asia
作者 趙文衡
近年來區域貿易協定(regional trade agreement or arrangement,RTA)的談判與洽簽在全球蔚為一股風潮,於東亞地區也有日益發展之趨勢。各種洽簽的建議紛紛被提出,例如日新自由貿易區、東亞自由貿易區、(中)日韓自由貿易區、東協加中共自由貿易區等不勝枚舉,其中有些提議如日新自由貿易區已付諸實現。由於東亞地區特殊的國際政經環境,相較於其他地區,此區域較易以RTA作為策略互動的工具,各國也較易將PTA視為改變區域權力結構的機制。因此在各國紛紛尋求PTA的訂立之際,東亞國際政經體系正經歷激烈重組。然而現有的文獻多著重在經濟層面,而忽略非經濟層面的研究。本文的目的即是要強調RTA在非經濟層面的影響,探討RTA的訂立如何影響東亞國際政經體系之重組,並尋求台灣在此一潮流下的自處之道。
Since the 1990s, there has been a strong tendency towards the formation of regional trade arrangements (RTAs) around the world. Proposals for trading agreements have also proliferated throughout the region of East Asia. These proposals cover a large number of countries in the area, including the Japan-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, the Korea-Japan Free Trade Agreement, the East Asian Free Trade Area, the ASEAN and China Free Trade Agreement, ect. Some of them, such as the Japan-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, have already reached a conclusion. Due to its unique international environment, countries in East Asia are more likely to employ RTAs as a policy tool for strategic interaction, and tend to treat them as a mechanism for changing the power structure of the region. Nevertheless, most literature places emphasis on the economic dimension of RTAs, ignoring the political effects brought up by them. This study will turn the focus to the impact of RTAs on the restructuring of the international politico-economic system in East Asia and explore the ways in which Taiwan should cope with this trend.
起訖頁 81-107
關鍵詞 自由貿易協定東協中共骨牌理論Free Trade AgreementFTAASEANChinaDomino Theory
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 200211 (41:6期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 從世界貿易組織荷爾蒙案論預防原則之適用與發展
該期刊-下一篇 從石油利益論「九一一事件」後的中亞地區與其周邊情勢




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