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從台灣經驗思考亞洲地區整合論(Theorizing about Asian Regional Integration:From Perspective of Taiwan Experience)
作者 平川幸子
For theorizing about regional integration movements in Asia it is insightful to analyze the relationship of Taiwan with her Asian neighbors. Taiwan is not politically recognized as a sovereign state by neighboring governments, however, it enjoys substantial economic and social relations with regional neighbors and the Taiwanese people share many common values with the outside world. Similarly, the trend of Asian regional integration implies mixed political and socio-economic realities. The shift towards East Asian regionalism under Chinese and ASEAN initiatives, which emphasizes principles such as sovereignty and non-intervention, implies that East Asian states are not likely to establish a supranational political institution. Meanwhile, Asia-Pacific regionalism, which is mainly spearheaded by Japanese informal initiatives, has traditionally emphasized a bottom-up process whereby non-governmental businesses and civil-society actors are more likely to contribute to de-facto economic and social integration in accordance with the post-war liberal order. In conclusion, when theorizing about Asian regional integration it is vital to consider such comprehensive regional characteristics as political realism and socioeconomic liberalism. The case of Taiwan is useful in understanding the uniqueness of the Asian regional characteristics, and provides important insights for the structuring of Asian regional integration which mainly consists of economic and social integration.
起訖頁 41-67
關鍵詞 東亞地區主義亞太地區主義經濟地區實際上(de-facto)的整合自下而上型程序開放型區域主義East Asian RegionalismAsia-Pacific Regionalismde-facto economic and social integrationbottom-up processopen-regionalism
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 201103 (40:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 台灣2010年五都選舉與政黨版圖變遷
該期刊-下一篇 両岸和平交渉における政治上の困難と選択可能な代替案について




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