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Project for Reducing the Incidence of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection in the Acute Ward
作者 蔡佳容 (Jia-Rong Tsai)黃詠婷 (Yung-Ting Huang)潘慧娟 (Hui-Chuan Pan)陳繪竹 (Hui-Zhu Chen)

留置導尿管相關泌尿道感染(Catheter- AssociatedUrinary Tract Infection, CAUTI)是醫療機構常見的議題,不僅會延長住院天數及增加醫療成本,也會提高病人疾病的嚴重度。本單位因2015年1~6月的留置導尿管相關泌尿道平均感染密度高居急性病房之首,分析其原因為醫師未能主動評估導尿管是否需要移除、未遵守以無菌技術執行留置導尿管技術、未確實執行手部衛生、未落實每日導尿管照護及檢查、尿袋口與地面未保持適當距離、缺乏留置導尿管技術常規稽核及缺乏合適的集尿桶等因素,故成立專案小組進行分析與探討。自2015年8月1日至2016年9月30日,導入醫策會之留置導尿管合式照護模式,配合舉辦在職教育、培訓手部衛生種子、運用護理創新物品收納尿袋及常規性稽查導尿技術等措施,評值6個月結果為留置導尿管相關泌尿道感染密度由平均0.84‰至0.15‰,且效果延續6個月皆為0.00‰,同時在平均留置天數亦由8.7天降至4.1天;顯示本專案之改善策略成效卓著,藉由分享期望能提升臨床相關單位及病人的照護品質。



Catheter- associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is the most common issue in medical institutions . It not only increases hospital stays and medical costs, but also increases the severity of patients’illnesses. From January to June 2015, the average incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infection was ranked first in the acute ward of hospitals. The factors we found that may cause this high incidence included: the physicians failed to actively assess whether the catheter needs to be removed, the staff failed to comply with aseptic technique for performing indwelling catheter technology, didn’t execute proper hand hygiene, didn’t execute the daily examination and care of catheter, didn’t keep the appropriate distance between the opening of urine collection bags and the ground, and the lack of routine examination for catheterization and appropriate urine collection barrels. We established the project team in order to analyze and explore the rationale. From 2015/8/1 to 2016/9/30, we introduced the “CAUTI Bundle Care” mode from the Joint Commission of Taiwan. This was done through holding in-service education, introducing and passing on hand hygiene routines, using nursing innovation supplies such as urine collection bags, regular examination of the catheterization, and so on. The sixmonth evaluation indicated that the average incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infection decreased from 0.84 ‰ to 0.15 ‰, the effect maintained 0.00‰ for 6 months, and the average urinary catheter-days decreased from 8.7 to 4.1. Overall, the project resulted in excellent improvements. The quality of care of clinically relevant units and patients can be further improved by sharing expectations


起訖頁 022-033
關鍵詞 泌尿道感染組合式照護模式護理創新urinary tract infection
刊名 台灣專科護理師學刊  
期數 201903 (6:1期)
出版單位 台灣專科護理師學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣專科護理師在臨床實務上面臨的困境與挑戰
該期刊-下一篇 肢端肥大症之治療趨勢與護理




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