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Pre-Colonial Geographical Knowledge on Formosa: Preliminary Study Based on Japanese Cited Materials
作者 葉爾建
The purpose of this article is to feature the Western conceptions on Taiwanese environment, as it had the profound influence over the initial Japanese impressions of this island. It is wise to explore the Western literature which the Japanese intellectuals and officials inherited and based, although the Japanese knowledge was also constituted by themselves through undertaking a series of fieldwork explorations and To demonstrate this, my research traces successively the formation and operation of western knowledge-producing networks, with reference to the geographical or environmental perceptions. It is divided into three parts, including the Treaty Ports and the Influx of Westerners, Travelling Topology Modelled by Native Networks, and Restricted Spatial Extent and Lateral Geographical Images. It firstly explains that the influx of Europeans in the latter decades of nineteenth century, mainly the Briton, initiated the development of modern geographical knowledge relating to Taiwan. Second, this article examines the personnel of participating individuals and teams involved. It investigates the methodologies used by these pioneers and enthusiasts for perceiving and representing Taiwanese environments as well. Finally, it features the formatting knowledge produced by these official or leisure tours. An examination of the materials shows that the spatial extent of these Westerners’cruises was highly restricted to the west part of the island, specifically the hills and plains. It also shows that their interests focus mainly on physical characteristics, aboriginal inhabitants, and industrial landscapes. However, the lateral and partial geographical knowledge constructed by Europeans eventually prevailed before the commencement of Japanese administration.
起訖頁 45-64
關鍵詞 地理知識不列顛人遊歷網路空間侷限性Geographical knowledgeThe BritishFieldtripNetworkRestricted spatial extent
刊名 地理研究  
期數 200911 (51期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺中市都市土地使用強度「區位特性」之研究--以容積移轉制度為例
該期刊-下一篇 新加坡華人聚落地景變遷與國族意涵




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