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A Preliminary Survey of Bilateral Wrist First Compartments Variations by High Resolution Ultrasonography
作者 吳韋廷 (Wei-Ting Wu)韓紹禮 (Shao-Li Han)
Back ground and purpose: The existence of the septum within the firstcompart-ment of wrists may be a risk factor of developing de Quervain’s disorder. In order to figureout the relationship between the variations in the firs compartment and de Quervain’s dis-ease, the prime question is the prevalence of normal variations in normal population. Previous studies of the prevalence were mostly based on the studies of cadava anatomy. Fur-thermore, few studies have been conducted to compare bilateral wrist variations. This study aims to investigate the anatomic variations and bilateral wrist firstcompartments variation by ultrasonography. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted by using the ultrasound to identify the existence of the septum within the firstextensor compartment in the wrists. To ensure all kinds of wrist anatomic variations, 24 participants (12 male, 12 female) with and without DQ was recruited. We used the criteria of Kwon’s research to detect the presence of a septum in the firstextensor compartment. Results: Among the 24 participants, the preva-lence of the septum within the firstextensor compartment was 70.8% and the prevalence of bilateral septum was 54.2%. There was a discrepancy in the firstextensor compartment be-tween the bilateral wrists in 4 participants; the prevalence rate was 16.7%. Conclusions: Ultrasonographic examination is a good way to detect the existence of septum between APL and EPB. The prevalence rate of septum was high in this study. Compared with previous re-search, the existence of septum was the risk factor of de Duervain’s disease and further evaluating the anatomic variations was warranted among those patients due to the variation of bilateral wrists. Furthermore, due to the high prevalence of bilateral septum, home educa-tion of reducing the work loading of affected wrist with subsequently increasing the burden of the unaffected wrist might be a risk factor of subsequent DQ attack in the unaffected wrists. Therefore we suggested that bilateral wrists ultrasonographic examination of DQ pa-tients should be taken subsequent DQ attack of the unaffected wrists.
起訖頁 011-018
關鍵詞 超音波狹窄性肌腱滑囊炎手腕疼痛手腕伸肌區間ultrasoundstenosing tenosynovitiswrist painwrist extensor compartment
刊名 輔仁醫學期刊  
期數 201703 (15:1期)
出版單位 輔仁大學醫學院
DOI 10.3966/181020932017031501002   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 輕度認知障礙症的快篩:電腦版短期記憶測驗之效度研究
該期刊-下一篇 經劍突下單孔胸腔鏡雙側肺腫瘤切除手術於單肺通氣時併發張力性氣胸




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