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“Teacher Evaluation 2.0”:Learning for Experiences of the United States of America and Implications for Taiwan
作者 方朝郁 (Chao-Yu Fang)方德隆 (Der-Long Fang)
美國是最早實施教師評鑑的國家之一,近年研究卻發現評鑑功能不彰,暴露出「零件效應」(Widget Effect )的問題,無助教師專業發展。相對於美國實施教師評鑑已有多年經驗,臺灣繼推動教師專業發展評鑑 之後,刻正進行教師評鑑立法,尚未正式實施。他山之石,可以攻錯。本文旨在分析美國教師評鑑的問題與革新之道,作為臺灣教師評鑑立法的參考。本研究採用文獻分析法,首先探討美國傳統教師評鑑的問題,歸納分析美國教師評鑑的革新方向與初步成果。接著,介紹臺灣教師評鑑的發展沿革,蒐集目前立法規劃的相關資料,條析 評鑑制度草案之內容重點。然後,以彙整相關研究所得之教師評鑑制度設計要素作為分析架構,包括:評鑑目的、評鑑設計、評鑑內容、評鑑方法、評鑑人員、結果應用及配套措施等七個面向,剖析美國經驗的啟示,作為臺灣教師評鑑立法及實施的參考。
The United States of America is one of the first countries to implement teacher evaluation. However, recent studies have found that evaluation tends to be dysfunctional due to the “Widget Effect”, which is not helpful for teacher professional development. This study aims to analyze the problems and renovation of teacher evaluation in US to gain implications for the legislation of teacher evaluation in Taiwan after try-outs of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development (TEPD). In this project, the literature analysis method was adopted to first review the history and problems of teacher evaluation in US, summarize and analyze the suggestions for improvement of traditional teacher evaluation to propose the innovative directions for “Teacher Evaluation 2.0” and the initial results in the US. Secondly, the history and relevant information of the current Taiwanese teacher evaluation legislation was gathered and the content and focus of the draft was analyzed. Finally, the elements of the evaluation system design summarized in related researches were utilized as the analytical framework, including the following seven dimensions: evaluation purpose, evaluation design, evaluation content, evaluation methods, evaluators, the application of evaluation results and supporting measures. The implications were suggested to provide the reference for legislation and implementation of teacher evaluation in Taiwan.
起訖頁 031-062
關鍵詞 教師評鑑教師專業發展零件效應教師專業發展評鑑teacher evaluationteacher professional developmentWidget Effectdifferentiated teacher evaluation systemTeacher Evaluation for Professional Development(TEPD)
刊名 教育研究與發展期刊  
期數 201703 (13:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
DOI 10.3966/181665042017031301002   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 從臺灣國民小學新住民語文教育現況論師資培育
該期刊-下一篇 弱勢學生閩南語學習態度、口說能力與影響因素之研究




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