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再論後遺民後冷戰時代「和解」與民族主義的糾葛 ——閱讀《色,戒》和《南京!南京!》
Reconciliation Entangled with Nationalism in the Post-Cold War Era: Revisiting Lust, Caution and The City of Life and Death
作者 白池雲
「後冷戰」(the post-Cold War)帶來了東亞地區國家歷史記憶的重組,在此時代背景下,中國舊有的敵對構造也產生變化——像是過去在冷戰時期被視為敵方的西方帝國主義國家、以及在臺灣的國民黨政權,如今已被此時代的新敵人——日本——所取代。當仇日情緒與日俱增,對國民黨的觀點快速轉換,隨之展現的是中國民族主義在後冷戰時代的複雜樣貌。自從「中國崛起」(the rise of China),特別是自中國宣布新口號「和諧世界」(harmony)與「和解」(reconciliation)開始,中國的民族主義便面臨了必須修正的危機與需求。然而公開聲明的同時,對民族主義的渴望卻更內化於人心,中國的民族主義不但沒有被這樣的口號擊倒,反倒是更強化了與「和解」理念的糾葛。《色,戒》(2007)和《南京!南京!》(2009),兩部電影都是在「中國崛起」時代上映,顯示出「和解」與「民族主義」奇異的並立現象。深入研究作為中國現代史最敏感事件的抗日戰爭時,可注意到兩部作品都強調以上海、南京這二地作為背景,並且作品中透過展現對高尚人性與寬恕的懇求,欲將抗戰期位於中國版圖內,統治權卻不屬於中國的這二處曖昧區域,帶回國族歷史的脈絡之中。然而,喚回那些在抗戰時期以背叛者、敵人身分被排除在國家之外的人的「和解」風潮,所代表的只是一種新型態的民族主義,致力於重建那些過去分散在國土內與外的民族認同。《色,戒》和《南京!南京!》呈現出「和解」與對民族主義的渴望之間的複雜糾葛,弔詭地指示出後冷戰時期,在東亞地區錯綜複雜的局勢。
The post-Cold War brought about a rearrangement of historical memories in East Asian countries. In China, with the wave of the post-Cold War, the frame of antagonism has changed. Old enemies during the Cold War such as western imperialism and the KMT regime of Taiwan were replaced by a new enemy: Japan. The growing hostility against Japan and the revised perspective on KMT shows nationalism being re-formed in a convoluted way in the post-Cold War era. Since the rise of China, particularly since China announced the new slogan of ‘harmony’ and ‘reconciliation,’ nationalism faces crisis and needs to be regulated. However, as this article discloses, nationalist desire is getting more internalized and reinforced entangled with the idea of reconciliation rather than overcome. Lust, Caution (2007) and The City of Life and Death (2009), both released around the rise of China, reveal the odd co-existence of reconciliation and nationalism. Delving into the War of Resistance against Japan, the most sensitive event in modern Chinese history, both films shed light on Shanghai and Nanjing - ambiguous non-territories within territories during the Cold War period - and attempt to bring them back to the national history by appealing to the sublime message of humanism and forgiveness. However, the reconciliatory flow of calling back into national territory those individuals who were excluded in the name of traitors and enemies during the Cold War represents no more than a new form of nationalism in that it attempts to re-build the national identity that has been scattered around inside and outside the national territory in the past. Lust, Caution and The City of Life and Death reveal that the idea of reconciliation is convolutedly entangled with nationalist desire. This paradox indicates the intricacy of the post-Cold War of East Asia.
起訖頁 117-148
關鍵詞 《色,戒》《南京!南京!》和解和諧民族主義抗日戰爭
刊名 臺灣文學研究集刊  
期數 201602 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所
DOI 10.3966/181856492016020019004   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 再論後遺民




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