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A Rereading of the Postloyal
作者 蔡建鑫
“Postloyalist Writing” by David Der-wei Wang casts a new light on the studies of Taiwan literature with regards to national imagination and identity politics. Taking cue from Wang’s critical discussion, this essay further develops two theoretical issues that concern: first, a nuanced way of critical analysis that the prefix “post” highlights; and second, the différance of loyalist and related identity politics. The essay first provides a brief discussion of the meanings of “tradition” in modern and premodern times while tracing the semantic variation of the term “loyalist” throughout Chinese history. In the end, the essay elucidates the theoretical vision and capacity of the postloyal discourse.issues that concern: first, a nuanced way of critical analysis that the prefix “post” highlights; and second, the différance of loyalist and related identity politics. The essay first provides a brief discussion of the meanings of “tradition” in modern and premodern times while tracing the semantic variation of the term “loyalist” throughout Chinese history. In the end, the essay elucidates the theoretical vision and capacity of the postloyal discourse.rarely discuss whether stylized application or assemblage of western theories has formed a family or genealogy of theories, and whether the latter has become visible in the international academic scene. This article argues that, in addition to Chen’s concern, we should also pay attention to how theories are translated, appropriated, and reproduced, how they are grafted onto existing discourses (also a kind of theories) in Taiwan, and whether there is wrong use, abuse, or inadequacy of application in the process of knowledge production. Around the time of the lifting of the martial law, theories were often accepted because of their progressiveness in challenging the institutions, offering possibilities of reinterpreting the past, and opening up a new future. Nevertheless, we still need to look into the appropriateness of applying theories, given the differences in historical context and socio-political and economic conditions. Using Taiwan’s postcolonial and queer discourses in the1990s as a case study, this article examines Taiwan theory and knowledge production. By probing into the internal debates and development of each discourse as well as the tension between these discourses, I will dwell on the appropriateness of applying postcolonial and queer theories within Taiwan’s context on the one hand, and discuss Taiwan families of postcolonial and queer theories that have emerged on the other.
起訖頁 083-116
關鍵詞 後遺民遺民身份傳統
刊名 臺灣文學研究集刊  
期數 201602 (19期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學臺灣文學研究所
DOI 10.3966/181856492016020019003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 人犧解災厄,水利展新貌―內湖十四份陂、左營阿彌陀埤、鼓山內惟埤的人犧傳說研究
該期刊-下一篇 再論後遺民後冷戰時代「和解」與民族主義的糾葛 ——閱讀《色,戒》和《南京!南京!》




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