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How Should Taiwan Treat the Award Made by the Aribitral Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration Case?
作者 宋燕輝
The Arbitral Tribunal constituted under Annex VII of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (“UNCLOS”) issued its award in the arbitration case concerning the South China Sea disputes between the Republic of the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China on July 12, 2016, which concluded, inter alia, that there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources, in excess of the rights provided for by the UNCLOS, within the sea areas falling within the “nine-dash line”, and that Taiping Island (Itu Aba), the largest naturally formed feature in the Spratly Islands, is a “rock” in accordance with Article 121(3) of the Convention. The Tribunal’s ruling attracted high attention from Taiwan’s government and people to the case. In response, a number of policy suggestions, aiming at safeguarding the country’s sovereignty, sovereign right, and jurisdiction in the South China Sea and managing Taiping Island in the future, have been proposed. The purposes of this article are twofold: first, it examines the development in the arbitral proceedings and the content of the award; second, it discusses how Taiwan should treat the outcome of the case.
起訖頁 15-25
關鍵詞 南海仲裁案臺灣裁決太平島聯合國海洋法公約South China Sea Arbitration CaseTribunalTaiwanRock
刊名 月旦法學雜誌  
期數 201609 (256期)
出版單位 元照出版公司
DOI 10.3966/102559312016090256002   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 從華航罷工事件看幾個罷工相關的法律問題──一個德國法的觀點
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