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The Counseling Function of Family Court and Family Dispute Resolution
作者 郭書琴 (Shu-chin Grace Kuo)
What do the disputants need in the family disputes? How the family court that is constructed by the newly passed Family Proceedings Act can do for the disputants? What is the core function of the family court? The author will propose a perspective of “quasi-counseling model of family court” to illustrate the dynamics of family dispute resolution. Providing the two stories of law, the author aims to discusses the following questions: 1. How the quasi-counseling model can be one of the interpretations of family court? 2. How can the interpretation of quasi-counseling family court apply to the distinguish character of family dispute? 3. What is the limitation of the family court? What is the law “can do” and “can not do”? How to contribute to the future modification of family law, family proceedings act, and civil procedure law by using the “quasi counseling model” as the interpretation? 4. How does the quasi-counseling model challenge the jurisprudence of family law as well as civil procedure law? For giving the comprehension of these issues, the paper will be organized into several parts. First of all, the author will explain the meaning quasi- counseling model of family and link her empirical study of family dispute mediation to this interpretation. Secondly, the author will illustrate two stories of law to discuss the needs and the character of family disputants. Thirdly, the author will discuss how the paradigm and idea changes brought into the jurisprudence of civil procedure law by family disputes. In the end, the author will propose two routes of family court for solving the family disputes as the conclusion.
起訖頁 345-403
關鍵詞 家事紛爭家事事件法家事事件準諮商模式家事法院家事調解身分法訴訟外紛爭解決Family DisputesFamily Proceedings ActDomestic DisputesQuasi-CounselingFamily MediationFamily LawAlternative Dispute Resolution
刊名 世新法學  
期數 201606 (9:2期)
出版單位 世新大學法學院
DOI 10.3966/199815542016060902003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 德國修復式正義之近期發展與實踐狀況
該期刊-下一篇 專門職業及技術人員資格取得之憲法問題──以司法院釋字第655號解釋為中心




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