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Strategies to Enhance Alliance of Drug Alliance Behaviors in Chronic Psychiatric Inpatients
作者 黃雅惠高薏茹曾素美 (Su-Mei Tseng)黃慈心 (Tzu-Hsin Huang )
Psychotropic medications play a major role in treating psychiatric patients and poor drug adherence results in frequent relapses, which raised the cost and burden both on medical care and society. Psychiatric nursing staff should be able to identify the subjective feelings and difficulties in patients taking these medications in order to enhance their willingness to comply actively with the prescriptions. Eighty chronic psychiatric inpatients were assessed for their medication adherence behavior by two self-developed questionnaires—the "Drug Adherence Training Observations" and the "Questionnaire on Factors Affecting Active Adherence" from January 2011 to March 2011. Results revealed that only 24% of participants were compliant actively and many patients (70.7%) were not fully aware of their own medications, time to take, dosage, indications, and possible adverse effects. We have thus developed an intervention program based on what we found above and the related literature. The program includes: (1) an individual drug adherence education (2) a group psycho-education for psychopharmacology (3) a customized individual drug adherence training card, and (4) a reward system.
Three months after implementing the intervention program, we found that the active adherence rate rose from 24% to 65% and inadequate knowledge of psychotropic medication dropped from 70.7% to 35%. The intervention program can enhance active drug adherence and promote the psychotropic knowledge in chronic psychiatric inpatients. The results suggest that such intervention program is effective.
起訖頁 301-315
關鍵詞 慢性精神科住院病人服藥結盟行為藥物遵從性chronic psychiatric inpatientsdrug alliance behaviorsdrug
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201509 (26:3期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012015092603006   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 降低亞急性內科病房患跌倒發生率
該期刊-下一篇 重病中斷母職角色的家庭護理經驗




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