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學前教師「組織承諾」影響機制的公私立差異性分析:以花蓮地區為例   全文下載 全文下載
A Study on Differences ofOrganizational Commitment's Influential Mechanism between Public and Private Preschool Teachers: A Study in Hualien District
作者 林俊瑩 (Chunn-Ying Lin)謝亞恆曹靜麗林淑華 (Shu-Hwa Lin)
In this highly competitive society, to raise an employees’ identity and sense of belonging toward his job and organization has become a very important issue for a leader of an enterprise or a company, as well as for a leader of an educational organization. In this study, according to the relevant literature, propose a theoretical model, and the use of preschool teachers in the Hualian area for survey data, which includes samples of public and private preschools, to discuss the influential mechanism of organizational commitment. The model of influential organization commitment includes organization climate and job satisfaction. The analysis of this research found out: preschool teachers respected the value commitment of the organization was rather high, but their continuance commitment wasn’t very high. The Analysis of Structural Equation Modeling shows: According to the invariance test result we are not able to use the same model to explain the factors which affect teachers in public preschool and those in private in this mechanism of organizational commitment. Therefore we set up separate modelings for each group. In these two modelings we can see that different organizations have direct influence on organizational commitment or have an indirect influence with job satisfaction. The influential mechanism are very complicated, because the attributes of private and public schools are very different. At the end of this article we also provide some suggestions for preschool educational management and the following research.
起訖頁 049-070
關鍵詞 組織氣氛工作滿意度組織承諾學前教師公私立差異性organization climatejob satisfactionorganizational commitmentpreschool teachersthe difference between public and private schools
刊名 教育研究學報  
期數 201410 (48:2期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學院
DOI 10.3966/199044282014104802003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 成就目標理論模式再概念化及其目標組型之探析
該期刊-下一篇 開啟多元智能的統整性視覺藝術教學方案之研究




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