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The Analysis of Policy for Setting a Subject in Taiwan :Native Curriculum as An Example
作者 吳書銘 (Shu-Ming Wu)
1987 年臺灣解嚴後,政治上的開放促使社會中代表各族群與團體的聲音因應而生,其中,尊重鄉土成為訴諸過去戒嚴下鄉土文化和語言受不平等待遇的主要論述,而官方與民間對此所形成的解決方案殊途同歸,讓社會大眾與政治力量產生連結,形成當時明顯而強烈的國家氛圍,加上縣市長與立法委員改選所帶來的人事變遷,讓立院議堂中對鄉土議題的激烈論辯從重拾鄉土價值到了鄉土課程單獨設科,並且同時,代表理論基礎發展的學術陣營也悄悄在鄉土氛圍下向主管單位提出增設系所的需求。本研究期望以政策的視角來瞭解決策者與當時社會氛圍的互動關係,從中探究論述對立下的意識型態差異,以及倡議者表述問題之方式為何,使得鄉土課程設科成為決策者勢必實施的政策;在課程的視角中,則探求設科政策內隱了什麼政治策略與工具性目的,而大學相關系所的設立又為整體鄉土課程設科帶來如何的影響,最後,多元的要素是如何各自扮演關鍵角色進行匯流,促發鄉土課程設科政策的浮出與穩定。
After the period of the end of Martial Law in Taiwan in 1987, the open political society promoted the voices of different groups appeared. Respecting the local discourses turned into the main exposition. It was accused of unfair treatments for native culture and language during the Martial Law Period. Official and private figured out some solutions that reach the same goal by different means. Then public and political forces generated and became clear and strong country atmosphere. In addition, human affairs transition of Elections for Magistrate, Mayor and Legislative led the arguments of native issues from native value to setting a subject of native curriculum in Legislative Yuan. At the same time, universities have developed quietly in the native atmosphere, and brought the academic influence. In this study, researcher wanted to understand how decision makers respond to the social atmosphere in policy perspective, and discussed the difference of ideology, as well as what the means of the initiators took. The policy for setting a subject of native curriculum turned into what the policy-maker have to execute. Researcher explored what the political strategies and utilizable goals in the policy, and what the university departments establishing influenced on the policy. Finally, researcher wanted to know how the various factors played key roles to converge the policy and promoted it to appeared and stability.
起訖頁 059-089
關鍵詞 政策分析鄉土課程政策論述課程史policy analysisnative curriculumpolicy discourseCurriculum History
刊名 教育理論與實踐學刊  
期數 201406 (29期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 女性家長式領導探究-一所小型學校個案為例
該期刊-下一篇 教師生命意義感量表之發展




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