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The Writing Performance in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
作者 李宏鎰 (Hom-Yi Lee)陳柔安 (Rou-An Chen)張孟鈴 (Meng-Ling Chang)林琮期 (Cong-Qi Lin)周佳蓉 (Jia-Rong Chou)
書寫困難常見於注意力缺陷過動症(Affention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorde,簡稱ADHD)兒童,然而使用中文的ADHD兒童之書寫表現並未被正式探討過,因此本研究探討臺灣的ADHD兒童的書寫特徵。共有21位ADHD及21位一般兒童參與標準化書寫測驗,評量他們的作文能力,最後分析作文產品、用字、錯別字、標點符號及文意層次等變項。發現ADHD兒童的作文產品及段落較一般生少,文意層次較一般人低,錯別字易犯添加型錯誤及標點符號易犯省略型錯誤。然而,用字能力並沒有比一般生差。
Purpose: Poor writing is common in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, the writing characteristics of ADHD children are not being discussed in Chinese. It is worthy to do further research on the writing difficulties of the ADHD children in Taiwan. Method: This paper used standardized measures of composition to evaluate the ADHD children’s ability of writing performance, and then analyze the productivity, the syntax quotient and the level of abstraction. The participants included 21 children with ADHD and 21 normal children. Result: Words (in average) in a sentence, total words in a paragraph, and levels of meanings were poorer than normal children, whereas the ADHD children’s lexical errors wasn’t more than normal children. Besides, the ADHD children made more errors in the omission of punctuation and the addition of a radical or a stroke in Chinese characters than normal children. Finally, the ADHD children wrote paragraphs less than normal children and showed the lack of organization in the composition. Conclusion: The difficulties faced by children with ADHD in producing more paragraphs could be due to their well-known planning and organizational difficulties. However, the spelling errors in children with ADHD could be associated with their attention deficit.
起訖頁 019-026
關鍵詞 作文錯別字用字書寫障礙字形緩衝區compositiondysgraphiagraphemic bufferlearning disability childrenspelling
刊名 特殊教育季刊  
期數 201309 (128期)
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 大專校院資源教室輔導經驗分享-以國立虎尾科技大學為例
該期刊-下一篇 雷特氏症患者在醫療保健、動作機能和社會溝通三方面可能造成的影響與介入策略




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