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就業傾向之大專離校身心障礙學生就業轉銜需求滿足與就業力之探究   全文下載 全文下載
Satisfaction of Employment Transition Needs and Employment Outcomes of the College Graduates with Disabilities
作者 陳麗如
本研究主要目的在從大專身心障礙學生畢業後的就業狀態分析探討其在轉銜過程的就業轉銜需求及滿足情形以了解其就業力表現。研究第一年調查來自37 所大專校院185 位高年級身心障礙學生,第二年取得來自第一年樣本中以就業為進路選擇之72 位剛離校樣本,追蹤分析所表達畢業前後就業轉銜需求及其變化。進而抽取其中變化較多的樣本14 位進行訪談。結果發現:(1) 有就業傾向之身心障礙學生畢業後順利就業者僅佔51.4%,就業情形仍不理想。(2) 身心障礙學生畢業後就業狀態不因個人背景條件而不同,但因個人工作經驗而差異;(3) 身心障礙學生畢業後所存在之部分就業轉銜需求與畢業前有所不同;(4) 畢業後無工作者在離校前的就業轉銜需求在數目或程度上均較有工作者多且高;(5) 就業轉銜需求滿足對其就業力影響可分生涯行動表現、專業學習、個人特質及社會因素,是學生畢業後在短期內找到工作的關鍵所在。本研究建議為了增加身心障礙學生的就業機會,應從提升學生個人的就業力、政府推動維護學生相關權益的政策、及他人的態度等方面著手努力。
The purpose of this study was to explore the employment outcomes of graduates with disabilities by considering their employment transition needs. This study was conducted over two years. Seventy-two subjects with disabilities who intended to obtain employment responded to the College Students' Employment Transition Needs Questionnaire before and after they graduated from college. Fourteen subjects whose changed more were interviewed to explore the factors affecting the satisfaction of their needs and employment status. The research findings show: (1) graduates with different genders, disability types, or disability levels had no differences in employment status; (2) graduates with disabilities had different employment statuses because of their work experiences; (3) unemployed individuals had more employment transition needs than did the employed individuals before they graduated; (4) employability was affected by the satisfaction of students' employment transition needs. Recommendations for college transition services and further studies are proposed.
起訖頁 045-066
關鍵詞 大專學生身心障礙學生就業轉銜轉銜需求college studentsemployment transitionthe students with disabilitiestransition needs
刊名 教育研究學報  
期數 201404 (48:1期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學院
該期刊-上一篇 大學生生涯希望量表發展之研究
該期刊-下一篇 國民小學校長正向領導、肯定式探詢與教師希望感關係之研究




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