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A Study of the Relationships between Visitors’ Motivation and Satisfaction-The Example of Northern Temple
作者 鄧序彤蔡昀叡
1. 財團法人行天宮之參訪動機最高為「旅遊勝地,交通便利」,最低為「財庫滿盈,取之不竭」;在滿意度方面,最高為「身體欠佳,藥到病除」,最低為「地方特色,點燈祈福」。艋舺龍山寺之參訪動機最高為「旅遊勝地,交通便利」,最低為「財庫滿盈,取之不竭」;在滿意度方面,最高為「旅遊勝地,交通便利」,最低為「地方特色,點燈祈福」。烘爐地南山福德宮之參訪動機最高為「旅遊勝地」,最低為「學業進步,金榜題名」;在滿意度方面,最高為「財庫滿盈,取之不竭」,最低為「身體欠佳,藥到病除」。
2. 財團法人行天宮分別在「旅遊勝地,交通便利」;「收驚祭改,消災解厄」及「求財得財,財運亨通」等三項目表現極佳,應繼續保持。在「學業進步,金榜題名」及「地方特色,點燈祈福」等二項目則需要加強改善。而艋舺龍山寺在「旅遊勝地,交通便利」此項目表現極佳,應繼續保持。但在「身體欠佳,藥到病除」;「地方特色,點燈祈福」及「收驚祭改,消災解厄」等三項目則需要加強改善。最後,烘爐地南山福德宮在「天賜良緣,愛情順利」及「求財得利,財運亨通」等二項目表現極佳,應繼續保持。而在「旅遊勝地,交通便利」及「收驚祭改,消災解厄」等二項目則需要加強改善。
This study is to explore the relationships between the visit motivation of tourism and satisfaction. The study objects are the visitors of Hsing-Tian Kong, Long-Shan Temple, and Fu-De Kong in northern area. And base on the results to plan temple activity and management. The conclusions are as follow:
1. The highest visit motivation of Hsing-Tian Kong is traffic conveniently and lowest is more money forever and ever. The highest visit satisfaction of Hsing-Tian Kong is good health status and lowest is to pray for blessings. The highest visit motivation of Long-Shan Temple is traffic conveniently and lowest is more money forever and ever. The highest visit satisfaction of Long-Shan Temple is traffic conveniently and lowest is to pray for blessings. The highest visit motivation of Fu-De Kong is scenic spot and lowest is succeed in study. The highest visit satisfaction of Fu-De Kong is more money forever and ever and lowest is good health status.
2. In Hsing-Tian Kong, the traffic conveniently, misfortune no more and luck in making money should be continued, the succeed in study and to pray for blessings is needed to enhance. In Long-Shan Temple, the traffic conveniently should be continued, the good health status, to pray for blessings and misfortune no more is needed to enhance. Finally, in Fu-De Kong, the happy match for a lover and luck in making money should be continued, the traffic conveniently and misfortune no more is needed to enhance.
起訖頁 059-070
關鍵詞 參訪動機滿意度艋舺龍山寺財團法人行天宮烘爐地南山福德宮MotivationSatisfactionLong-Shan TempleHsing-Tian KongFu-De Kong
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 201406 (2:1期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
DOI 10.3966/2225949X2014050201005   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 台灣觀光類股投資策略
該期刊-下一篇 應用AHP評估雞籠文化館策略聯盟之服務行銷




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