中文摘要 |
在Magnus,Smith,andWheeler(2003)與Yetman(2007)提出非營利組織以負債融通將對其捐贈收入會產生排擠效果的假說後。本文為首篇探討非營利組織負債融通與捐贈收入關聯性的實證研究。本文分析台灣38間醫療財團法人在2000-2006年資料。研究結果顯示,當醫療財團法人的負債比率較低時,若採用負債融通對其捐贈收入有正向的擠入效果;然而負債比率較高的法人,持續採用負債來融通資金,則對其捐贈收入出現排擠效果,指出兩者間存在非線性關係。至於負債對於醫療財團法人捐贈收入的整體影響,取決上述兩項力量互抵後的效果而定。本文發現臺灣醫療財團法人採用負債融通對其捐贈收入普遍存在擠入效果。我們認為Magnus et al.(2003)與Yetman(2007)僅考慮高負債比率對捐贈收入的排擠效果,而忽略擠入效果。 |
英文摘要 |
Debt financing has been discussed extensively in corporate finance; however, previous studies seldom apply it to not-for-profit hospitals. Magnus et al. (2003) and Yetman (2007) argued that debt financing would have a negative impact on the charitable donations of not for - profit hospitals, but they did not provide empirical evidence. This study is the first paper to investigate the relationship between debt financing and donation revenue by using 38 not for- profit hospitals from 2000 to 2006 in Taiwan. According to our empirical results, we have proved that debt financing has both a crowd-in effect and crowd-out effect on not-for profit hospitals' donations. The crowd-in effect tends to exist in low debt ratio hospitals, while the crowd-out effect is often found to exist in not-for-profit hospitals with higher debt ratios. We therefore conclude that Magnus et al. (2003) and Yetman (2007) only proposed the crowd-out effect of debt financing for not-for-profit hospitals; however, they did not consider the possible crowd-in effect of debt financing as we have demonstrated in this study. |