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Study of Motorcyclists’Knowledge and Behavior of Making a Hook Left-turn
作者 吳繼虹毛億能
目前臺灣機車登記數量約佔總機動車輛數的七成左右,機車已成為道路上最龐大的族群。由於機車的行駛特性與其他車輛有所差別,尤其於交岔路口轉彎時對車流的干擾與行駛的安全性,因此在交通法規中有一項特別為機車制定的規定-行駛至交岔路口,內側車道設有禁行機車標誌或標線者,機車應依兩段方式進行左轉,其目的在於保障機車於交岔路口轉彎時之安全。實際在路口觀察之後,發現很多民眾其實並不清楚如何正確進行兩段式左轉 ,以及遵守規定的重要性。 國內兩段式左轉的問題可分成兩類:第一類為不遵循兩段式左轉而直接違規左轉;第二類係在兩段式左轉過程中,由停等區行駛至待轉區之行為問題。本研究目的在於找出這兩類違規行為之問題所在,探討民眾是因為認知能力不足而導致違規行為,或者是因為對兩段式左轉抱持負面態度而蓄意違規。 本研究藉由蒐集國內外之駕駛人態度與行為量表,並與兩段式左轉現行問題結合,發展出一份可用於臺灣機車騎士兩段式左轉的態度與行為問卷。問卷發放地點為北北基桃的火車站附近,時間為 106 年 4 月初至 5 月中,共發出 314 份問卷,經過整理後回收 300 份有效問卷,有效率 96%。分析結果顯示,民眾普遍對於兩段式左轉相關知識認知不足,對停等位置判斷及右轉專用道知識尤為不足,其中以年資 2 年以下及 10 年以上之族群較不足;年齡與年資越高者越支持兩段式左轉,違規心態及負面態度之情形則是年資越低越嚴重;行為部分則是年齡及年資越低者越有違規的危險行為出現。建議可以加強兩段式左轉定義及法規知識的宣導以提升民眾兩段式左轉相關認知能力,對於初領照族群須加強道路相關知識宣導,駕駛年資 10 年以上之族群則須定期回各縣市監理站參加宣導複習;至於在態度與行為方面之改善,建議可以教育宣導課程改善民眾對於兩段式左轉之態度與觀念,並利用科技執法落實違規取締,減少民眾違規行為。近年有民眾認為兩段式左轉並無存在之必要,未來除了加強從教育與執法兩方面著手改善整體道路問題,亦應務實考量機車兩段式左轉的規定,修訂相關法規。
The number of motorcycles registered in Taiwan accounts for about 70% of the total number of motorized vehicles in recent years. Motorcycles have become the largest group among road users on roads. Due to the difference of vehicle characteristics of motorcycles from other vehicles and the maneuvering characteristics in traffic, there is a special provision of traffic regulations for motorcycles while turning at intersections. If the regulation signs or the fast lane marked with “no motorcycle” present, it is mandatory for motorcyclists to make a hook left-turn at intersections. The purpose of making a hook left-turn is to ensure motorcyclists’ safety. However, many motorcyclists seem not to understand the practice of making a hook left-turn and the importance of compliance. There are two issues associated with hook left-turns: first, failing to follow the hook left-turn regulations and making left turns at intersections directly; second, the maneuvers heading from the stop lines to the left-turn waiting area during turning. The purpose of this study is to identify the possible causes of violating the regulations of hook left-turns. A number of 314 questionnaires were collected at the TRA stations of northern Taiwan (Keelung, Taipei, New Taipei and Taoyuan City) from April to the middle of May in 2016 and a total of 300 valid samples were obtained. This study developed a questionnaire regarding the attitude and behavior of motorcyclists for hook left-turns in Taiwan based on the measurement scales from prior studies. The analysis result shows that in general, participants are not familiar with the practices of hook left-turns. Particularly, participants have insufficient understandings of the lane positioning and the regulations of exclusive right turn lanes. It is essential for novice motorcyclists and ones who have had licenses for more than 10 years. The elder and experienced riders favor the existing left-turn regulations. The novice motorcyclists are likely to have negative attitudes towards the left-turn regulations and risky behaviors on roads. It is recommended that advanced driver education is essential to enhance people’s knowledge on safe driving. Automatic traffic enforcement system may help to reduce left-turning violations.
起訖頁 37-65
關鍵詞 機車兩段式左轉態度行為左轉待轉區違規 motorcyclehook left-turnattitudebehaviorleft-turn waiting areaviolation
刊名 都市交通  
期數 201806 (33:1期)
出版單位 台北市交通安全促進會
該期刊-上一篇 以悠遊卡大數據初探YouBike租賃及轉乘捷運行為
該期刊-下一篇 第二階段汽車道路駕駛考驗試辦之研究──各監理所站;駕訓班之及格率與考驗員差異性分析




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