中文摘要 |
本稿站在日本語教育文法的觀點,針對「wakedewanai」進行分析以及考察。以在「怎麼樣的場合」「怎麼使用」為考察重點,同時也記述「wakedewanai」在不同文章脈絡所呈現的使用機能。透過上述的分析以及考察,本稿將「wakedewanai」的用法分為兩大類,並可再細分為七小項用法。此外,為了方便學習者進行語言產出,根據不同的使用機能分別整理出各自的共現表現。 This paper analyzes and discusses the Japanese explanatory modality“wakedewanai'' in terms of context-oriented pedagogical grammar. The analysis considers in when and how“wakedewanai'' is used, as well as the function which the phrase is fulfilling in the context of each usage. As a result, it was found“wakedewanai'' could be grouped into two large categories, and further divided into seven detailed types. The function of each type and where the phrase is most likely to co-occur was also complied, considering the need for classification for production by second-language learners. |