中文摘要 |
本研究注目於中文與日文在數量詞「一」的使用上之差異,以探討中文母語話者之日文學習者使用日文數量詞「一」的特徵為目的。藉由分析『多語言母語日文學習者橫斷語料庫(I-JAS)』裡中文母語話者與日文母語話者的日文語料,獲得以下結論。(1)學習者的使用型態上,數量詞前置型(例:一人の學生が)的使用多於名詞前置型(例:學生が一人、學生の一人が、學生一人が)。使用傾向與中文數量詞的基本形態相符。(2)學習者的誤用可分為「量詞的誤用」、「形式間的混淆」與「過剩使用」等。其中量詞「つ」的誤用和導入舊情報時「一」的過剩使用,可能起因於中日文在數量詞使用的差異。上級學習者較中級學習者正確使用率高,但學習者的日文程度不同,誤用的傾向也不同。(3)日文母語話者的使用多為名詞前置型。而學習者無論日文程度,皆為數量詞前置型的使用居多。與母語話者相較,學習者的數量詞「一」的使用率不算高,但是當中「1QのNC型」的比例居高。 This study focuses on how Japanese learners of Chinese native speakers used“one'' in Japanese. By analyzing a learner database called I-JAS, the conclusions are as follows. First, learners use“quantifier+noun(QN)'' type more than“noun+quantifier(NQ)'' type, which is the same with the basic form of Chinese. Second,“the misuse of quantity words'',“the confusion of the basic form'',“the excessive use'' were observed. It is thought that the misuse of“tsu'' and excessive use when introducing an old information are caused by Chinese. As Japanese level of learner rises, the error rate falls, but the type of errors are different. Third, Japanese native speakers used more NQ type. When learners, regardless of their level, used QN type more. The percentage of using“one'' is higher in Japanese corpus. However, learners' percentage of using“1QのNC'' is higher than Japanese native speakers'. |