中文摘要 |
歐州評議會在2001年發表了歐洲語言共同參考框架(簡稱:CEFR),CEFR是一個具有全球通用性的語言教學、學習及測驗學習者語言能力的指導方針與行動綱領。台灣的12年國民基本教育的第二外國語課綱,也導入CEFR的概念。但是,從CERF的中心理念[Can-do]來思考台灣第二外國語課綱中關於日語教學的設計時,發現現下的課綱裏似乎沒有提供台灣高中生日語使用場面及這些場面中符合各個能力級別的語彙跟表現方式,因此造成教師在教學時,制定分級學習內容的困難。有鑑於此,本研究以台灣高中日語學習者為對象,透過訪談先整理其生活中實際使用日語的情況,並根據訪談結果設計問卷,再進行大規模的問卷調查。調查結果,發現台灣高中的日語學習者,使用日語最多的情況是閱讀漫畫。以日語使用的場面來看,則以[接觸次文化、購物、旅行、飲食文化、國際交流、城市觀光]等為主。本論將依此提出具體的教學內容,期待能提供給中等教育第二外語(日語)課程設計上一個參考。 Taiwan incorporate The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages into foreign language learning of its national educational program. But the concept of CEFR's“can-do'' statements generally lacks resonance in how designs it in the curricula, so that teachers of Japanese are ill-prepared to teaching. Hence, the purpose of this research-which involves interviews, questionnaires and data analysis-is to make informed suggestions as to how to revise curricula for foreign language studies courses such that the students in such courses are better taught how to apply their target languages in common, practical scenarios. Such findings further led me to lay out an approach to designing curricula that emphasizes the application of Japanese in situations common to the high school students who participated in the study-such as shopping, dining, traveling, sightseeing and interacting with native speakers in real-life scenarios. |