中文摘要 |
本論文透過研究安部公房發表於1950年代中後期的作品,分析文本中所表現出的衝突意識,研究安部與日本共產黨之間矛盾的源泉。50年代初期,安部公房的小說中關於美國的描寫隨處可見,但隨著蘇聯的國際地位不斷上升,特別是安部本人在1956年親身遊歷東歐後,其小說中關於蘇聯的描寫所佔比例越來越大。安部遊歷東歐後不久,在波蘭以及匈牙利發生了政治衝突事件,此時已經回到日本的安部受上述事件影響,他將關於東歐經歷的諸多散文修改後編成文集,即《東歐行》。透過本書的描寫可以發現安部非常欣賞帶有沙文主義的民族主義,並高度讚揚了發生在東歐的一系列衝突事件。安部在書中強調了蘇聯政治壓迫的重要性,對於群衆與蘇聯的對抗評價甚高。筆者認為這些言論的出發點皆在於安部內心的衝突意識。由於日本共產黨並不贊同用暴力解決問題,因此安部與日本共產黨之閒產生了不可彌補的間隙。安部與日本共產黨的間隙不僅體現在散文中,發表於東歐遊歷中的《耳朵的價值》,以及東歐遊歷後發表的《鏡子與哨子》等小說的字裏行間中,亦可發現由於安部的衝突意識導致而成的與日本共產黨之間的矛盾。本論文透過分析安部作品中所表現出的衝突意識,希望可以能為關於安部與日本共產黨間的矛盾研究指出一個新方向。 This study focuses on the works written by KōbōAbe in the late 1950s, and clarifies the representation of his skepticism of Japanese Communist Party through the text analysis. As the Soviet Union expands its influence on the world in the late 1950s, Abe became to write about the Soviet Union in his works, especially after the trip to Eastern Europe in 1956. Abe wrote many essays based on his real experience in Eastern Europe. These essays suggest the skepticism of Abe to the Japanese Communist Party. After Abe returned to Japan, the political revolution has occurred in Poland and Hungary. Abe was inspired by these political events, and revised the essays which wrote about the experience in Eastern Europe, and published as a book“Going to Eastern Europe''. In this book, Abe emphasized the necessity of political Repression of the Soviet Union, and he wrote the importance of energy, brought by the conflict with the people's resistance. In contrast the Japanese Communist Party denied the function of conflict, this means there was a confrontation between Abe and the Japanese Communist Party. This study confirms the confrontation between Abe and the Japanese Communist Party, and clarifies the social situation of Japan in the 1950s. |