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台灣日語教育學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Longitudinal Changes of Japanese Language Learning Motivation and Beliefs in Taiwanese Vocational Universities
作者 林明煌蔡錦雀
本研究的目的在於,透過問卷調查法(questionnaire survey來探究國立T大學應用日語學系一年級學生日語學習動機與信念的縱斷性變化之外,同時利用半結構的焦點訪談法(Semi-structural Interviews)來釐清學生日語學習動機與信念產生變化的原因。研究結果發現如下:(一)日語學習的原始動機(primary motivation)以統合性動機為主,工具性動機為輔。但是工具性動機會隨著時間的更迭而增加,反之統合性動機卻日趨減弱。而學生學習動機之縱斷性變化常起因於學校師長的鼓勵、學長姊的經驗分享、學生同儕間的影響或家人的建議等。但是,學生的學習動機並沒有性別上的顯著差異之外,它與學習信念之間不存在著任何的相關性。(二)學生原本就擁有高度的日語學習信念,縱使歷經了一年的學習,其信念自律度的增幅有限。女生在遇到挫折時,總是會失去些許的自信外,也常常感到習得無助感或學習無力感,而男生較具冒險心,其學習不太受到外在環境的影響。另外,日語習熟度越高者其信念自律度就越高,且信念自律度也會隨著學習經驗的增加而增加。其中,後設認知信念的自律度能有效預測學生將來日語習熟度的高低。
The purpose of this research is to understand the longitudinal changes of the freshman Japanese majors' learning motivation and beliefs in a national university through questionnaire. Besides, semi-structural interviews were conducted to clarify the reasons behind those changes. The findings of the research are as followed: The primary motivation of Japanese Language Learning is integral motivation, and instrumental motivation is secondary. However, instrumental motivation will be enforced with time, but integral motivation will be weakened gradually. And the Japanese majors' longitudinal changes can be attributed to the encouragement from the teachers, senior classmate's experiences, peer influence or family's advice. Nevertheless, there's no significant difference in learning motivation between male and female students. There are no correlations between motivation and belief at all Those who had high motivation before entering the university have limited increase in terms of self-disciplined belief even after one-year of learning Female students easily feel frustrated, always lose self-confidence, and also feel hopeless or helpless when encountered with difficulties, but male students seem to be more adventurous and not influenced so much by the environment. In addition, the higher the Japanese proficiency level, the higher the self-disciplined belief will be as learning experiences increase. The self-disciplined effect of the meta-cognitive belief could predict the students' proficiency level in the future.
起訖頁 105-134
關鍵詞 技職校院應日系日語教育學習動機學習信念vocational UniversitiesDepartment of JapaneseJapanese Language TeachingLearning MotivationBeliefs
刊名 台灣日語教育學報  
期數 201612 (27期)
出版單位 台灣日語教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 口說評量之評分量表的運用──對教師授課方式之影響
該期刊-下一篇 漢語的自他兩用動詞的句構類型




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